Comfort and suspicious

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Narrator pov:

'The sun shined down on the road, kanao was ran down the path trying to find tanjiro, worried for his safety due to the sun being so bright she feared that he would turn to dust.....after a few minutes she found him laying under the shades of a tree sleeping soundly.....thankfully he wasn't turned into ashes'
Kanao pov:

'all of my worries and fear washed away when I saw him......he was sleeping and I can't lie...he looked cute but I can see dried tears on his pale cheeks so that made me feel a bit concerned'

*quietly walks up to tanjiro* (he's okay.....thank goodness)

Tanjiro:*still sleeping* "zzzzzzzzzzzz"

(Should I wake him?...he looks tired)

'I didn't know if it was okay to wake tanjiro up, on one hand I really wanted him to wake up and make him know things are alright.....on the other hand he looks so worn out and needed to rest.....I chose to wait until he woke up by himself but I flinched when I saw him move'

Tanjiro:*sweating a lot while showing discomfort*

(He looks distressed... m-maybe he is having a nightmare? Can demons even have them? What should I do?)

Tanjiro:*still moving a bit*

(I-is he trying to find a way to sleep more comfortably?...u-um maybe I should....) *Looks around her before sitting next to tanjiro and laying his head on her lap*

Tanjiro:*face relaxes and stops sweating bullets*

'as I looked down at his face I can feel the blush on my face, it was so hard that I'm positive I can hide it in a room filled with strawberries but seeing how calm tanjiro was made me smile a bit... despite what I'm doing is very embarrassing.....still it was worth it, a few seconds later I found myself running my fingers against his hair...I couldn't resist the urge! it was soft and fluffy! Like a cat's fur, I started to notice him smiling a bit which made me question myself, was he doing it on purpose or subconsciously? Either way he looked happy so I kept doing going'

(I'm not going to lie.....I really like ruffling his hair while he sleeps but I do hope he wakes up soon....)
flashback pov:

Kie:"Tanjiro, can you help me pick this up?"

Tanjiro (12 years old):"oh! Sure thing mom! Where do you want to put it?"
Rokuta:"hey big brother! Can we play for a bit?"

Tanjiro (13 years old): "of course, what game do you have in mind?"

Rokuta:"well I was thinking of tag!"

Tanjiro:*smiles* "sounds great but we won't go too far away from our home okay?"

Shigeru & Hanako:* running to tanjiro*"big brother tanjiro!"

Tanjiro (11 years old):"hm? What's wrong?"

Shigeru:"mom needs two buckets of water from the river"

Hanako:"but can we come? Please! We promise to stay close!"

Tanjiro:*chuckles* "I don't see why not!"
Takeo:"Oi! Big brother Tanjiro! Can we chop trees together?"

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