(-Filler-) sleepy girl in a thunderstorm

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Nezuko pov:

-a few hours after zenitsu helped the three triplets-

"yeah big brother woke up at 3 pm"

shinobu:"did he show any different signs than last time?"

*shakes her head* "nope, it was the same although he is a bit more exhausted but that makes sense, after all he fought an uppermoon "

shinobu:"wait what?! how come I never heard of this?!"

"um well The flame pillar forgot I think, while big brother was sleeping so that's why, inosuke was too competitive on getting stronger than my big brother that he didn't bother to tell us"

shinobu:*sighs* "oh alright then, your free to go"

"thanks and have a nice day Ms shinobu" *bows before leaving*

'after closing the door I let out a sigh of relief, shinobu kept asking me about any sudden changes in tanjiro's body which got me confused but I didn't question it, however shinobu's demands were getting tedious and I was on the brink of dying from answering her, but nonetheless I was finally free and I can roam around the mansion, I was surprised that neither aoi or inosuke were around so I walked for a bit trying to find anyone and that's when I saw Zenitsu on the ground, concerned and worried I ran as fast as I could to him'

"Zenitsu! what's wrong!? what happen?"

zenitsu:"I'm beat..... nezuko-chan...."

"h-huh? did someone hit you?"

zenitsu:"n-no it's nothing like that, I was just helping the triplets with chores, but.....there.....are......SO MANY!"

"o-oh pfff yeah I guess I kinda relate to that, here" *picks him up like a princess*

zenitsu:*flustered and blushing hard* "N-N-Nezuko-chan!?"

*smiling and blushing a tiny bit while walking* "you worked yourself too hard you deserve some rest, let me put you back on a bed, just rest okay?"

zenitsu:*covering his face with his hands in embarrassment*

"Pffff" (he's really cute when he's flustered.......wait did I just think he's........w-well I can't really denied it) *blushes while looking tiny bit away*

zenitsu:*opens hos fingers slightly and looks at nezuko through it*
"N-Nezuko-chan? you alright?"

*twitches and stops walking for a moment* "y-yep! I'm completely fine!

'walking down to the hallway I didn't see anyone there which surprised me, no like really there would be at least two or three more people besides me, zenitsu and Inosuke but I didn't question it, however I was looking around and I didn't notice who was Infront of me so I kinda bummed into them'

zenitsu & nezuko: "Ouch!"

zenitsu:" Nezuko-chan please watch where you......are .....going......"

"sorry zenitsu, I kinda got confused why there isn't.......any.......one" *both looking at the a tall motherf*cker who is Infront of them*


zenitsu:*scared and wraps his arms around zenitsu's neck and holding her close*

(!!!SO CUTE!!!) *blushes and shakes her head and then turns to face the guy* "u-um hey there.....sorry That I bumped into you, I didn't really see where I was...... wait a damn a minute.....YOUR THE GUY FROM THE FINAL SELECTION! WHO HELD THAT POOR GIRL'S HAIR!"

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