A meeting

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Narrator pov:

'While our demon slayers were grieving and trying to recover from their loss of the sound hashira.... somewhere a secret meeting was being held...the place was no where to be found on earth or rather.....it wasn't even on earth to begin with.... suddenly a biwa sound was played and thus....all the remaining upper moons appeared in a dimension where the sunlight could not reach them....this dimension is better known as the infinity castle'

Doma:*lands on his feet* "hmm? What am I doing here? Oh wait a minute! This means That an UpperMoon has died~"

???:*is hiding behind a staircase*"E-EEEEEK! U-UPPER MOON D-DIED? IT'S BAD AND SCARY!"

Doma:*managed to get into hantengu's vision* "oh come now hantengu, I think that even if it's one UpperMoon is dead it will be fine~ I just hope it's not my dear friend akaza!"

Hantengu: -the upper moon four-
"H-huh?...DOMA H-HAS AN HOLE IN HIS GUTS!? I-I CAN'T HANDLE THIS! I-IT'S TOO SCARY EEEK!" *hides again behind the staircase*

???:"what makes you so sure that akaza is your friend Doma?"

Doma:*dramatic gasp* "by the Lord muzan! How can you say that gyokko? Me and akaza always get along~"

Gyokko: -the UpperMoon five-
"Uh right.....have you forgotten that he said he hated your guts?"

Doma:"but that was 500 years ago~ I'm sure he changed his mind~ besides I don't have my guts anymore so I'm sure we can be friends :3"

(Small note: I have no idea if Doma actually said that or if that even happen but I need to write something to work with since...you know with akaza being dead and all that😅)

Gyokko:"I'm...not sure if that's how it works but whatever you say.....

Doma:*looks around and pouts slightly* "hm I wonder where Daki and gyutaro? Hey nakime~ do you know where they are?"

Nakime: -the demon that controls the infinity castle- "........Lord muzan has arrived"

'Suddenly a faint but terrifying aura bloomed around the Uppermoon's...they felt it coming from above them, only Doma and gyokko had looked since hantengu is a scared p#ssy, high above the Uppermoon's was muzan who seemed to be standing upside down and calmly conducting a science fair project'

(Small context: it's actually an experiment, but I just wrote science fair project as a joke 🤣)

Muzan:*watching the chemicals* "Two of my upper moon are dead, the first one to die is akaza:upper moon 3, after that Daki and gyutaro: upper moon 6.... however I believe the reason behind gyutaro's death was because of his sister, he was stronger and if he was not limited to  protecting that...slut, then he would come out alive"

Doma:*drama queen gasp and tears* "uah! No! Such sad and tragic fate for my best friend akaza and my two little children! WAAAH! I'M SO SAD~"

hantengu:*even more scared* "T-Two upper moons have been slayed!? T-this is horrifying! I don't like this! EEEK! What if I'm next!?"

Gyokko:"yo oh~ that's bad but also interesting, it's been centuries since an UpperMoon has died, I wonder how were the demon slayers were able to kill them?"

Muzan:"They didn't......a demon turned against me, he was the one who slayed both of them"

Gyokko & hantengu: "A-A traitor?!"

Doma:"Ohhh~ so that demon has become that powerful~ impressive!"

Gyokko:"wait a minute, you encountered him?! Why didn't you kill him!?"

Doma:*rocking sideways* "hmmm, it's embarrassing but I was intrigued by his abilities that we ended up fighting until the sun came up~ oh and there was a hashira with him! She wasn't strong but she is someone not to be underestimated"

Muzan:*places both of his hands on the table, it started to shake violently causes every thing to break* "How...are you... upper moon so useless! None of you found the blue spider-lily and on top of that Two of them were killed against the same traitor!"

Hantengu:*almost sh#t's himself* "L-Lord m-muzan i-is a-angry!"

Doma:"to be fair my lord~ I'm not really a great detective, maybe you can ask kokushibo?"

Gyokko:"speaking of him, where is he?"

Nakime:".......he is the first to arrive and is already listening" *makes a single biwa sound and shows where kokushibo was*

Kokushibo:*is sitting on his knees with absolute calmness*

Doma:"ohh~ he was already here? As expected from an upper moon 1~ my friend kokushibo is also calm~"

(Small note: I like to think the reason why kokushibo is always calm is due to just smoking pot and high on m#th and co#aine, I mean...what else are you going to do (besides eating and killing) when you are immortal and have lived for more than 300 years?)

Gyokko:"when was kokushibo your friend?"

Muzan:*puts his hand on his face while space for one eye to see* (I forgot how annoying they are...but I can't kill them, they are too valuable)

Doma:"master I have a question~ if akaza died first then how come you never held a meeting?"

Muzan:*sighs in annoyance* "shut it Doma...I was busy and ordered nakime to not teleport or disturb me"

(From the author: muzan was busy clapping female cheek-)

Kokushibo:(.....so a demon is strong enough to beat akaza.....I would like to meet him)

Muzan:"despite what happened....your current mission is to find and kill this traitor...use whatever means necessary but make sure He is dead"

Doma:"HMMMMMMMMM I wonder how we are going to find him? Considering he is with the demon slayers~"

Muzan:"another thing I need to task you all with......do not hesitate to destroy anything that belongs to the demon slayer corp, if we can diminish their current strength and we will do so"

Gyokko:"I just may have the perfect idea for it! A while back one of my pots were sold to a villager with a strange mask, my pot must have reached the swordsmith village! I think....but nonetheless we should change our plans of solely attacking the trai-"

'suddenly gyokko's head was no longer attached to his body but instead in the hands of muzan, for some unknown reason gyokko started to get flustered at this action'

(From the author: no joke I remember gyokko's cheeks turning red in the anime scene, like why? Can someone explain?)

Muzan:"No...I don't like changes, perfection is what I seek but as things stand...I will allow it just this once....you have 2 months to confirm the information you just have presented, if they turned out false.....you will face terrible consequences for wasting time and making me change my plans"

Gyokko:"y-yes lord muzan~"

Doma:"oh things might become interesting~ I wonder what is going to happen?"

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