Tracking The Targets

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Tanjiro POV:

'the moonlight was shining over the district, A lust and greedy scent filled the air, women and men having fantasies and pleasure, something I never thought anyone would have I stared down on the streets of the Entertaiment district...a look of disappointed and disgust came across my face which wasn't unnoticed by the sound Hashira and my two friends who woke up while me and Mr Tengen were carrying them over our shoulders'

zenitsu:"hey tanjiro? something wrong?"

"Hm? oh nothing.... It's just...I grew up on the mountains with an honest family and village nearby.... everyone around me was so honest and those who were married never let lust or greed get to them, seeing people like this.... is just..."

Tengen:*sighs* "look kid I understand where you are getting at but now is not the time for that, have you tracked down the demon and my wives?"

*nods slowly* "just one problem, this demon captured two of your wives next to other survivors"

inosuke:"HUH? didn't this Hashira say he had three?"

"that's the thing, one of them are far away from the rest and I'm not sure if this is intentional by the demon" 

Tengen:(what is this demon trying to do?)

zenitsu:"w-wait! does this mean we have to separate!?"

"that's probably it's goal, I can sense some sort of tunnel system connected from all three houses that Mr Tengen tracked"

Tengen:"It must be using it as a way to travel safely during the day.....and also where they keep their victims"


"as much as I would like to end this mission......we have to wait until midnight, it's when we can sneak around without alerting the people"

Tengen:"hey demon kid, can you track my third wife?"

"hm I think I can but it would take time"

Tengen:"how long?"

".......30 minutes after midnight, give or take"

Tengen:*sweats a bit* "can't you do it faster?"

"unless you have something to boost my senses then no"

Tengen:"alright you got me, anyways me and these dumb f@*ks will rescue everyone who is in the tunnels, you demon kid will focus on finding my last wife"

"Roger that"

inosuke:"Hahahahahaaha here we come you cowardly demons!"

zenitsu:(not a fan of the name bullying but are close to ending this carp, so I'll bear it......for now)

'with that I went off to complete what I have been tasked while leaving zenitsu and inosuke along with Tengen to do their thing, I started to pour all of my focus into my demonic instinct hoping to sense a small aura far away progress was made still I kept searching long and hard, while searching I thought about nezuko and the others back at the butterfly mansion, hopefully they are doing well'









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