Mugen Train Part 1

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Narrator pov:

'everyone was sleeping peacefully, no one knew of the dangerous situation they were in, tanjiro while sleeping cried, his tears were running down his face but that didn't stop the dream, even tho everyone was asleep there was four people that were awake, the guy who punched tickets and three children'

ticket guy:"there......I have punched them all like you asked...... please let me see my wife and kids"

???:"of course, you've done your part and now you shall be rewarded" *puts him in his dream*

'a small hand that had a mouth on it was talking and give orders to them, the hand then commanded the three kids to tie the demon slayers and a demon who was on the train, but they had to be careful as their fighting spirits are different than normal humans, with that they went to go and do what they were ordered to,meanwhile the body of the mastermind behind this attack was sitting on top of the train near the front'

???: "well well well, I didn't think that my powers would work on a demon but it's seems like he has more of a human side than a demon, but either way they all will perish, when someone's spirit is broken they are left there standing like a dull, this plan will never fail"

'the children made their way to our group who were sleeping, a girl went to go and tie Rengoku's while he was dreaming, a boy went to tie inosuke and another boy who looked sick and pale went to tie tanjiro'
-Rengoku dream-

Kyojuro:"Father, I have become a pillar"

??? Father :*reading a book* "so? it doesn't change anything, it's pointless, just leave me alone"

Kyojuro".....very well" *leaves and meets his younger brother*

??? younger brother: "s-so? how did father take the news, I hope....when I become a Hashira I would be able to impress him"

Kyojuro:" be honest with you, he said that it doesn't matter, he wasn't always like this......after mother died he.... changed"

??? younger brother:*looks disappointed*

kyojuro:"but even so...that will not extinguish the flame that burns bright inside of me! remember these words, no matter what happens you have an older brother that always believes in you, let us both do our best!"

??? younger brother:*happy and nods, both of them hug each other*

the girl: (I have to go and find his spiritual core, that guy said that they would be at the edge of the dream, which means I have to move away from the house)

'the girl walks to the edge, it wasn't far from her which shocked her but that doesn't matter now, she held up the needle that was given to her by the demon, when she thrusted it to the wall it made small cracks after that she brought it down, this opened the door to the flame Hashira's fighting spirit, when she set foot into it she was sweating due to the flaming air around her and in the middle she saw it, Rengoku's spiritual core'

the girl :(there it is! now all I need to do is destroy it and I'll have my nice dream again!) *goes to destroy it but she feels like someone is grabbing her throat*

-in the real world-

the girl:(G-Gah! W-what is this!?! this shouldn't make any sense! the ropes should've prevented him from-GAAAAH! H-HIS G-GRIP!)

Rengoku:*tightens his hold on the girl's throat*

the boy:"What!? this doesn't make any sense! how strong is his fighting spirit!?"

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