The unspoken words 6x1 spoilers

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after Tim left Lucy stood there fighting her best not to cry she gets in the car and drives back to the apartment alone overthinking everything. Lucy gets to the apartment and walks in by herself.

"Heyyy woah are you okay Luce" Tamara says walking out of her room Lucy just nods "Lucy i know somethings up come here" Tamara hugs Lucy and she's breaks down  Tamara just rubs lucy's back After a little bit Lucy gets and and says thank you and walks straight to her room locking the door.

Tamara is worried and starts to text Tim

T: Hey Tim sorry to annoy you but is everything okay?
D: hey Tam yeah just a tough day why what's up
T: i don't know if i should say
D: Tamara what's going on
T: Lucy came home and it looked like she been crying and i asked if she was okay but i knew she was lying so i hugged her and she started crying and now she has locked her self in her room
D: Crap uhm i'll try come over but i don't think she wants to talk to me

Lucy is laying in bed completely zoned out overthinking and unable to hear anything  she ends up crashing out.Tamara is sitting on the couch waiting for Tim After a hour he knocks and Tamara gets up and opens the door "Hey" Tamara says "hey has Luce came out" Tim says walking in hugging Tamara "Nope and i haven't had much commutation she's been quite since she went in" "i'll try talk to her"

Tim walks to the bedroom door and knocks "Luce open the door" -no response- "Lucy! i really don't wanna break this door down" He walks to Tams room and knocks "come in" Tamara says sitting on her bed "hey i had no luck she might of fallen asleep" Tim says standing in the door frame " "what happened it's okay if you don't want to say" Tamara said putting her phone away "we rode together today and i think i was a bit to hard on her and she started spiralling out and overthinking about the deceives exam she was going to take her name off and after shift i kinda got mad and half way through the argument i said i'm tired i'll see you tomorrow" "Tim it's going to be okay Lucy might just need a little time i can't remember this from times with her mum, if you need a pillow and blanket if u wanna stay on the couch so yous can talk tomorrow morning i'll give you one" Tamara said with a soft smile "Thanks Tam i might sit on the couch for a bit"

After  two hours Lucy wakes up to go toilet but when she gets off the bed She Faints

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