The aftermath 6x6 spoilers

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(A/N in this grey and luna are lucys parents)


Lucy stands in the cry park tears building up in her eyes she just lost the only person that would understand her, she walks into the station and goes to greys office. Lucy knocks and grey waves her in and sees there's tears in her eyes "Luce what's wrong" grey said standing up and walking over to Lucy "H-h-he left me" Lucy managed to say then broke down in tears. Grey hugs Lucy "it's okay Luce it's okay let it out" Grey was mad cause Lucy was like a daughter to him and brought her in to his family cause he knows her own family doesn't want anything to with her, Angela who was finishing paperwork at her desk looked up and saw Lucy crying in Greys arms and walks over to his Office and knocks grey holds a finger up "sit down l be back" grey said to Lucy pulling a chair out for her grey walked out and said "what's up" to Angela, Angela looked at Lucy and said "is she okay" grey shook his head "no but it's not my place to say". Grey walked back in with Angela and said "Lucy i'm giving you personal days if you need longer ring me and if you need anything ring me" Lucy nodded wiping her eyes "Thank you", Angela hugged her and asked "what's wrong Lucy" Lucy looked and grey and nodded and grey told Angela "HE DONE WHAT" Lucy just crying again "i have no one left" Grey and Angela looked at her and said "what do you mean you have no one left" Lucy sighed wiped her eyes and replied "Tamara's moving out, Tim broke up with me and the only other person i trusted is dead" Angela and grey comforted Lucy then Angela drove her home "you need anything call me Lucy even if it's just to talk" Lucy had no happiness left and just nodded "thank you".

Lucy walked into her apartment tears rolling down her face and puffy eyes "Lucy are you okay what happened" Tamara said jumping off the seat at the kitchen counter "it's over" it's all Lucy managed to say before she walked to her bedroom closing the door. Tamara texted Angela because she saw her dropping Lucy off
T: "What does Lucy mean it's over"
A: "Tim broke up with her how is she doing"
T: "not good her eyes are red and puffy she's still crying and has shut herself in her bedroom"
A: can you take her some food please and water she's going to say she doesn't want it but she needs to eat, and I'll come over tomorrow.
Tamara heated Lucy some pizza up and knocked on her door and all she said was Lucy said "mhm" Completely  broken Tamara walked and put the food on the bedside table and hugged Lucy "I'm killing him for hurting the kindest person out there but there's some food please eat and Angela is coming to see you tomorrow" Lucy just nodded still having tears going down her face "I'm in my room if you need me" Tamara said giving Lucy another hug then walking out. Lucy couldn't bare eating, so she only ate half a slice then laid down in bed crying herself to sleep.

With Angela
Angela drives to Tim's and bangs on his door "TIMOTHY BRADFORD OPEN HIS DOOR RIGHT NOW" Tim walked over to the door opening it and said "What" Angela walked in "you know what you've fucking done aye" Tim nods "it's for the best Angela" Angela shakes her head "FOR THE BEST SHE BROKE DOWN IN GREYS ARMS TIM SHES PLACED ON LEAVE AND PROBABLY NOT EATING AFTER EVERYTHING THAT SHES WENT THROUGH THIS PAST MONTH YOU JUST LEAVE HER LIKE ITS NOTHING AND NOT TO MENTION SHES GOING TO BE ALONE WHEN TAMARA LEAVES" Angela yells at Tim "I'm sorry Angela i can't deal with this" Tim said sitting back on the couch "Be a fucking dick then just remember she's never going to be the same again" Angela said walking out and slamming the door. After Angela left Tim realized what he done and broke down he broke up with the only person who made him happy, who helped him through everything, so he walked to his room and found lucy's hoodie put it on and fell asleep.

the next day

Lucy woke up feeling empty the happy Lucy was gone and her mental health was getting worse. she had no energy or nothing. Tamara made Lucy a coffee and knocked on her bedroom door "come in" Lucy said with no emotion "here's some Coffee, I don't have school today if you want to watch a movie with me we don't have to leave the apartment" Lucy nodded "yes please I'll just try get more sleep i just can't move atm" Tamara nodded and said "I'll be getting snacks and drinks" then walked out closing lucy's door. Angela walked into the station and went straight to greys office and saw Tim in there but she walked straight in "Angela you okay" grey asked "I'm fine but can i have a personal day I'm stressed about Lucy she isn't okay i know tamara's home but i want to be there in case Tamara has to go out and plus Tamara won't be with lucy much longer" Grey nodded "Give her a hug for me and tell her me and luna will come see her soon and please make sure Shes eaten " Angela nodded and walked out to drive to lucy's. Tim looked at grey "what do you mean eaten" Grey looked at Tim "not my place to say," Tim looked and said, "i know Yous are her parents and that she has depression just tell me please Grey", Grey shook his head "i can't I'm not losing her trust.

Angela got to Lucy's and knocked Tamara opened as Lucy had fallen asleep "how is she?" Angela said taking her jacket and shoes off "not well she's sleeping at the moment but hasn't eaten she only ate half a slice of pizza last night" Angela sighed. "How long she been asleep" Angela said grabbing a cup for coffee "About an hour" Tamara said pouring the coffee in Angelas cup "Imma wake her and try get her to eat can u do me a Favour" Tamara nodded "what's up" Angela hands her 50$ "Can you to the store and get a couple of items ill text them?" Tamara smiled "Yeah of course" Tamara left and Angela sent her the list and then walked over to Lucy. "Luce wake up" Lucy rubbed he eyes and saw Angela "what are you doing here u should be at work" Angela smiled and said, "I'm on edge of murdering Tim and i want to be with my girl come have coffee and I'll make some food i don't want your eating problems back" lucy just looked down "Luce what's wrong" Angela said kneeling Infront of lucy, "They came back When Tim disappeared I'm sorry" lucy started crying "Lucy come here" Angela hugged lucy until she calmed down "im going to help you through this so will Grey and Luna" Lucy just nodded

After a week Angela stayed with lucy as tamara moved out, Lucy said to Angela "Can we go to the station i want to see Dad" Angela nodded and her and lucy went to the station and got there just as roll call ended "LUCY" Celina yelled running up to her giving her the biggest hey "Hey Celina" lucy said returning the hug "Is my joker back yet" Thorson said laughing giving lucy a hug "soon just going to talk to grey" Lucy said with a smiled. Grey walked over "how's my girl?" Lucy looked at grey and replied, "better I've had Angela with me, but can we talk please". Grey and lucy went to his office as Tim went up to Angela, Grey sat next to lucy and asked "what's up Hun" Lucy sighed "i don't want you to get mad" Grey hugged her "i could never be mad at you" Lucy started tearing up "My ED came back almost 2 weeks ago but Angela was with me making sure i ate before it got bad but i miss being with Tim" just as lucy said that she started crying.

With Tim and Angela "how is she" Tim asked rubbing his neck Angela looked at him "Broken but i got her out of her depressive episode and got her eating" Tim looked at Angela worried and whispered "her ed came back" Angela nodded "2 weeks ago so 2 days after you left her in the dark" Tim took a deep breath "i miss her after you yelled at me i realized what i done and cried her one of her oversized hoodies" Angela rubbed his arm "talk to her Shes still in love with you i had to take her phone cause she was looking at pictures crying" Tim nodded and saw lucy walking out greys office saying " thanks dad love you" Grey smiled and yelled "LOVE YOU TOO LUCE" lucy laughed and said "im stealing a coffee" Grey just nodded laughing and Angela looked at Tim with the talk to her face

Lucy walked into the break room "come to me" she said walking into the break room and has the coffee was brewing she felt arms wrap around her and she saw Tim crying "what's wrong" lucy said wiping his tears "im sorry im a dick i didn't mean for all this to happen" Lucy hugged him back "it's not your fault Tim you mind wasn't in the right place" Tim nodded hiding his face in Lucy's neck "can we try again please "Tim said still hiding his face in her neck lucy tapped his head which cause him to look at her and she just kissed him "does that give you your answer" Tim smiled and nodded hugging lucy again "Can i just asked who talked to you" Lucy said with her arms around Tims waist "Angela and Tamara" Lucy looked at Tim and said "TAMARA what the hell did she say" Tim laughed "Just telling me im the biggest idiot and if i don't fix myself Shes stealing you off me" Lucy laughed and hugged him "I really missed you"


im so sorry this took ages i got sick and couldn't write

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