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(A/N : Just jumping in to remind you to read the book description / TW's before diving into this one. I'm not explaining myself for any of the crazy I'm about to put in this book LMAO. Enjoy, freaks <3 )


The newspaper cutout sticks out of your dads open briefcase where it lays propped on the kitchen counter, the yearbook photo of a sweet-looking blond boy plastered beneath the headline. Your dad must have been working late judging by the empty coffee cups and takeout containers still littering the marble. The move to this shitty town in the middle of nowhere had been rough enough and took hours, but you were used to moving around by now. Having an FBI agent for a father involved a lot of skipping town and never quite settling down anywhere. Friends were a wistful fantasy and anything more was fleeting moments of kisses stolen behind bleachers or in storage closets at whatever highschool you'd been moved to. Sometimes more than that, but it was rare enough that you forgot about it most of the time. Twice in fact. Neither particularly memorable, obviously.

It sucked.
All you wanted to do was have that picture perfect highschool life that you'd seen in the movies.

Since your mom died when you were just a baby, living with your highly strung and desperately overprotective father was all you knew. He was nowhere to be seen now, probably in his office making calls in preparation of the reason you came to this town - a string of violent murders, three so far, that had this small town terrified. The local cops couldn't wrap their heads around it and by murder number three, this Egbert guy, they decided it was time to call in the experts and since you had no other family, well, the only option was to tag along. Again.

Slipping on a denim jacket over a simple white cami and a cute pencil pleat skirt, you grab your bag and head out to your car to drive to school. Your farewell shout up the stairs to your dad must have been lost along with half of your belongings that hadn't made it here from Louisiana yet since he didn't bother to reply. You're a little early leaving but since this is a new town, you figured it would be good to at least try and acquaint yourself with the route to school, which you follow on the little map of the town splayed out on the passenger seat. 

Hawkins High is a quaint little building, smaller than the last few schools you went to, with that small town charm that everything here seemed to have. It was a beautiful town in truth, warm enough in March to allow you to wear skirts and such without getting too cold. The sun shines down, hitting the leaves of the surrounding forest and the windshields of the other cars in the parking lot. Hawkins Middle School stands to the side of it, the two schools separated with a large chain-link fence. People stop and watch with intent as you pull up into a parking space next to a big black van, but it's to be expected. You were the the fun new toy, the intriguing addition to what was likely an incredibly boring place for the youth of this town. It gave the impression that everyone knew everyone here and outsiders could be spotted in an instant.

Including you. Ugh

With a swipe of some cherry lipgloss for confidence, you step out of your car and offer a demure smile to the masses watching you. Pretending their scrutiny doesn't matter to you, you head for the entrance just as the bell rings, but you don't follow the others into class. No, you head in the direction that had been given to you on the phone yesterday, right to the principals office. "Can I help you, sweetheart?" A plump older lady with thin-framed glasses drawls as you approach her desk. Outside the principals office are four chairs, one of which is occupied. A boy appearing your age with a wealth of dark, untamed curls on his head glares at the silver rings on his hands, legs spread in his torn jeans and brow furrowed. He toys with his rings until apparently realising he's not alone anymore. Slowly, so slowly, pits of deep brown rise from long fingers to meet your gaze, sweeping subtly along your form as they do so. It sends goosebumps over your flesh, the intensity of his glare, which only hardens as if your mere presence is an offense to him. "Miss?" The sweet voice comes again and, after telling yourself off internally for being so rude, you break out into a practiced grin that's aimed at the receptionist.

"Good morning. I've just transferred in. I'm-..."

"Miss (Y/L/N)! Welcome!" A new voice, aged and masculine, enters the air as the principal steps out of his office. He has grey hair and a tall, slender frame with the kind of smile that appeared just as practiced, and phony, as your own. "It must have been quite the journey." He laughs and you grin as you angle to face him. Grumpy kid only watches you quietly after an eyeroll aimed at the principal.

"Nothing I'm not used to, sir." 

"Well, from what I can tell from your file, you've been to a great many schools these past few years, yes?" You nod. "Hopefully Hawkins High can give you somewhere better to settle your roots." Unlikely. I give it two months before we're out of here. "Deb here will get you everything you need. Locker, class schedule, things like that." As if waiting to do just that, a few papers are extended out over her desk to me and I take them with a charming smile that I earn from her in return, too. I flick through, if only to see where to head next. "English with Miss Ramirez?" I read out to confirm and the principal nods emphatically. 

"Ah, yes. I think you'll get along just fine with her, she's an excellent teacher." He adjusts the thick watch on his wrist as the boy sitting down lets out a sardonic snort. All eyes fix to him, including yours, which glitter with amusement. Obviously he doesn't agree. "Something to add, Mr. Munson?" The ice in his voice is clear. He doesn't like this guy. 

"Of course not, sir." He glances at you as he mocks the way you'd addressed the principal earlier. Okay, dick. Your eyes narrow and his lips turn up at the corners. 

"Perhaps you'd like to show our newest student to her next class seeing as you're supposed to be in that class yourself, Edward." The principal makes it sound like an order despite the fact the words themselves appear to be an offer. Edward's shoulders drop, along with any lingering humor, and his eyes roll again. "In fact, once English class is over, I'd like you to show her the rest of the school. Help her get her bearings and all that." The grin on his lips only spreads at the boys chagrin. "Consider it the punishment for your recent... indiscretion."

Instead of answering, Edward just pushes to stand and makes a vague 'follow me' motion with a sweep of his hand, deciding that spending time with you is preferable to whatever punishment he'd been expecting. With a pleasant smile to the two still in the room, you bid farewell and gather your things. You have to jog to catch up to him, but once you do, you extend a hand. "Edward, right? I'm (Y/N)." 

A disgruntled curl of his top lip at your outstretched hand and a snapped, "Eddie. Nobody fuckin' calls me Edward. What am I, 80?" 

"Certainly pissy enough to pass for it." You mumble, thinking he hadn't heard you, but he stops in his tracks and pins you with a glare far darker than earlier, a look that simmers with something you can't place. He turns on his feet, takes a step towards you. You relinquish your space by standing your ground despite the small bubble of apprehension in your chest. "Sorry.." You offer meekly, trying an apologetic smile that normally makes men forget even the most terrible transgressions.

Not Eddie, though. No, he steps closer again. You don't move.

His frown relaxes as those bottomless eyes study your expression, which you somehow manage to maintain. The toes of his thick boots butt up against your shoes and his chest brushes yours with every breath. You consider backing up. This is wholly inappropriate and gives absolutely the wrong impression if anyone should enter the hallway. There's just one problem. 

I don't want to. 

His warmth seeps into your skin, but in a beautiful contrast, his proximity sends a shiver rolling over your spine. You're pinned to the spot, neck craning to keep your hold on his intense gaze. His jaw clenches. Once. Twice. Then he's gone from your space and continuing down the hall as if it never happened. 

Your mind, whirling with whatever the fuck that was, takes a second to catch up before you're pacing after him. 

He doesn't speak the entire way, except for one singular word. One word that sends another chill down your spine, though this time for an entirely different reason. One word spoken so gruffly that it could have been mistaken for something not a word at all. One word, and then he leads you into Ramirez's class and leaves you there, not bothering to come inside, and not bothering to do his task in helping you learn the layout of the school after it's over. 


( A/N: I can't tell you how excited I am for this omg. )

Scream For Me // Billy x Eddie x Steve x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now