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(A/N : CW - Parent-child abuse. Not against reader. Little smut too but nothing out of the ordinary - yet ;) In future with smut, the details of these warnings will be at the bottom of the chapter so that those who don't want spoilers can read on spoiler-free. Those that want to read them can scroll down and then back up to read the chapter. They'll be in bold like this so it's easy to spot but with what I plan to put in the smut chapters, the CW's are important to me to put in.)

Once Saturday makes an appearance, you're half convinced that you'd made up the entire conversation with Billy in which he asked you out on a date. He was so very different to Steve, hardly acknowledging you past flirty grins that promised sin as he passed you in the hall, or sat beside you in class. 

Steve wasn't exactly happy about your date, but once you reminded him you said multiple times you didn't want a relationship, he back-tracked and made out like he was simply worried for your safety considering Hargrove's reputation. You just laughed. 

You could handle Billy.
You think.

Sometime around three in the afternoon, you're working on some overdue homework in the kitchen when the phone rings. Dad's out working, trying his best to track down whatever psycho is hacking up teens, so it's probably just him trying to check up on you. Dropping your pen to the chestnut table, the soft clatter of the plastic hitting it the only sound in the room, you head over to the shrill sound and pull the phone to your ear. "Hey, daddy."

"Little early to be callin' me that, sweetheart - not that I mind, of course." It takes you a second to recognise the voice from the crackling line, but you snort with laughter once you do.

"Shut up, Billy. I was expecting my dad to be calling, not you." Leaning against the wall with a grin, you twirl the cord around your finger at the delectable sound of his responding warm laughter. It sends a flutter into your gut in anticipation for tonight.  

"That so? Figured with your busy schedule that your phone would be ringing off the hook." His tone is full of humor but there's an underlying tension there that you can't help but notice; or figure the source of for that matter. 

"Oh, it is. I was just trying not to bruise your fragile ego." Your grin widens at his genuine laughter down the line. He was enjoying your smart mouth. You'd show him even more ways to enjoy it later, you think. Get your mind out of the gutter. You chide yourself, before continuing. "To what do I owe the pleasure of the call? Is it to do with tonight? I was thinking about a beautiful candlelit dinner at Enzo's, maybe a huge bouquet of flowers and a limo to take us wherever we want to go."

Of course, you're lying. That sounds like the most boring night ever, even if the food at Enzo's was supposed to be incredible and having flowers would definitely make your heart skip a beat.

Another chuckle, but subdued this time. "That sounds like a great idea, baby..." He pauses and you already know what he's going to say before the words come through the line. You can't deny the thread of disappointment in your gut. You were actually looking forward to tonight - beyond the more ... ahem... physical aspects you'd been daydreaming about. Sure, you'd showered and preened to perfection already, but it was going to be fun to learn more about Billy beyond his scowling face or underwear-melting flirtations. "But I think we might have to take a rain-check on tonight." 

You pout even though he can't see it and your silence makes him sigh. 

Then, shouting comes through, muffled from the poor connection like Billy's trying to hide away from whoever is howling like that. You can make out broken words like "worthless shit" and "whore" and you're not ashamed to admit you wish you could hear the entire tirade. You always did love drama. 

Scream For Me // Billy x Eddie x Steve x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now