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"Hello?" A kind voice, despite the unease roiling in her gut over the call coming in at such a late hour. Brenda's parents were away visiting family for the weekend and she had the place all to herself. Something she was basking in until this very moment.

She'd been sat on the couch watching a movie when suddenly the shrill tone of the phone startled her. It was eleven at night, an entirely inappropriate hour for someone to be calling, but she'd assumed it was her best friend, who had a tendency to stay out super late and call her when she got home. 

It wasn't.

At first, nobody answers. The coil of the telephone wire extends as Brenda takes a few steps into the kitchen, eyeing the locked back door and repeating her greeting. Met with more silence, she moves even further, leaning around the glossy white frame of the door to peer at the front door, too. She'd locked both not long ago, but that feeling in her stomach screaming danger gave her the urge to check them anyway. "I'm hanging up now, freak." She scoffs, hand moving the phone back to its spot on the wall when a crackling voice sounds in the silence. It's garbled and muffled from the distance and intrigue has her pulling it back to her ear. "What?"

"I said, 'sorry, bad connection'," The voice came, a male one, pleasant enough and soft. It would probably have been attractive to her were she not interested in the opposite gender. "I was hoping to speak to your dad, is he home?"

"No, my parents are away for the weekend, sir." She answers honestly, still uneasy but her shoulders relieve some tension at the kind voice on the other line. 

"Oh, really? Aren't you a little young to be left on your own?" He laughs and though the question is a little strange to her, Brenda returns his laugh politely.

"I'm almost eighteen. Besides, who says I'm alone?"

"Ahh, got a big burly boyfriend there to protect you, Brenda?" The snark to his tone could be mistaken for flirtation if she didn't know any better. It makes her frown all the same and roll her eyes, because of course the guy would assume she'd need a man to protect her. She's about to answer when it dawns on her. He'd said her name. He notices her pause, the sudden heaviness of her breaths, "Hmm, you didn't tell me your name, did you?" The voice changes so rapidly that it startles Brenda. What she'd once thought gentle and kind becomes rough and edged as sharply as a knife. Her eyes, shadowed in a shimmering green to match her pretty dress she'd worn to hang out with her friends earlier, dart across the room and she begins to walk around. The sensation of being watched makes her skin prickle, the hairs on her arms rising. "My mistake. Not that it really matters."

"Who is this? What do you want?" She's intensely proud of the way her voice remains steady, despite the tremble in her pale fingers. "My boyfriend will be here soon, so you'd better stop."

Sure it was a lie, but she'd never gotten around to answering his prior question and though her predilections were a rumor at school, she'd never confirmed them. A bark of laughter crackles through the phone and despair forces another tremble from the bitter nature of it. "I don't think he will be, Brenda. No, I think you're all alone in that house tonight. Don't worry, though..." He pauses and she can hear another breathy chuckle. "It won't be for long."

The call cuts out and she hurries to dial 911 to report the call. They say someone will be along within twenty minutes but that feels so fucking long. She slams the phone down into the receiver and heads into the kitchen to get some form of weapon to protect herself ---



She slides her gaze to the knife-block to find it empty of anything she can use. A shiver rolls over her sensitive flesh and it's only then that she notices the breeze. The back door that was locked tightly just a few minutes ago is wide open, the floaty curtains swaying to and fro in the nightly breeze. Fear is potent in her veins, pumping her heart until it thrums in her ears and she can't think straight. She wants to run to the back door and flee, but what if he is out there? 

Scream For Me // Billy x Eddie x Steve x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now