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Buttery scents cocoon around you from the popcorn stall at the movie theater of Starcourt Mall, Steve's fingers lightly laced through your own like it was the most natural thing in the world. He wore a simple forest green sweater and dark jeans, his hair styled as perfectly as it always was and his lips holding the same secretive smirk he'd worn since he picked you up. Like he was proud to have you on his arm, delighted to show you off to the world. It was kinda cute. He'd paid for the tickets and now offered whatever snacks your heart desired.

You get a coke and some popcorn and he gets the same, though attempts to juggle it all so you don't have to carry it. With a soft laugh, you take your own despite his protests. "This way it won't end up on the floor." You tease with a wink that makes his cheeks redden a little. "Steve Harrington, are you blushing?" You can't help but taunt him further and he rolls his eyes playfully at your antics.

"No, it's just... Hot in here." He gives a pointed look to the skirt you wore, those hazel eyes panning over every inch of you as if you're the cause of the heat. Okay, damn. That makes you blush, though you duck your head to hide it as you follow him into the theater. It was some new horror movie Nightmare on Elm Street, which you admittedly had to work hard to convince Steve to take you to. He didn't like horror films much. But you did. There was something about being frightened that was just so... Exhilarating. As you descend into the darkness of the theater and find your seats, Steve leans over the armrest, his voice low enough so only you can hear it. "If I'm being really honest, you're just so different to all the other girls around here. You make me nervous sometimes."

Teeth sinking into your lower lip to stifle a satisfied grin, you shift to angle yourself to face him, arching a brow as his gaze falls to your mouth. "I make you nervous? How?"

"I don't know..." He begins and then thinks better of it, dropping the lie in favor of the wonderful truth. "Okay, I do. You're so fuckin' beautiful that I can't seem to figure why you're wasting your time on me."

Ah, shit. He just had to go and be sweet, huh? Something in your chest melts, yet you maintain the expression of cool and calm, cocking your head to one side as you regard him with a flirtatious look that brings the blush back to his cheeks. "See?" He says, the tip of his tongue darting out to wet his lips. Just when you think he might kiss you, he clears his throat and drops his gaze first. You take it as a win anyway. "Driving me crazy here."

"I sure hope not. I'm not looking for crazy, Steve." You stuff a few popped kernels of popcorn into your mouth and face the large screen, the racing of your heart having nothing at all to do with the anticipation of the scary movie. "For what it's worth, you're not too bad yourself, handsome."

You feel him tense and then relax at the compliment, catching his broad grin from the corner of your eye as he settles in to watch the movie as well. 

An hour later and you're through your own bucket of popcorn and drink from the stress of the admittedly fucking terrifying movie. Freddy Krueger will absolutely be haunting your dreams for a few nights. That little shit. The room is so dark that you can't see anyone else in the theater apart from when the movie has scenes set in the daytime, of which there aren't many. Steve leans in, his voice a low whisper that makes you shiver as his warm breath caresses your neck. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Want another drink?" He asks and you nod without looking his way, too glued on the movie playing out before you. 

He chuckles quietly and gets up, leaving you alone.

Steve's gone for so long you consider going to look for him when you feel his presence settle in beside you again. He doesn't say anything, or offer the drink he asked you if you wanted. Huh. Must have forgotten. 

Scream For Me // Billy x Eddie x Steve x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now