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It's the same at every new school. The first time you walk into a classroom, a complete hush settles over it, the eyes drilling into you to figure out if you're worth their time or not. You're a pro at this by now. 

Doesn't make it any less humiliating.

Miss Ramirez looks up as soon as you're inside the door, catching the sight of Eddie strolling in the opposite direction with a discontented sigh, as if this happens often. It's not surprising. He seemed the type. "You must be my new student." She says with a welcoming smile, painted a deep crimson hue. There's more than one set of male eyes on her and who could blame them? Miss Ramirez is younger than you were expecting and objectively beautiful with warm brown skin and eyes that glisten with a measure of kindness. At your responding nod, she introduces you to the class and you plaster on a smile, lifting your hand in a little wave.

When she tells you to take a seat, you peruse your options. There's two empty spaces. One in the middle of the class, between a girl who's offering up a welcoming look to you and a boy who screams perfection. He has brown hair, styled and soft, and a flirtatious look about him that is attempting to win you over to sit beside him. The other option is at the back, with the wall on one side and on the other, a guy with curling blond hair and eyes the color of the sky in summer. He doesn't smile at you, but he doesn't look away when you meet his gaze either. It's a little intimidating, so you settle for the former instead and head to the middle of the class.

As Ramirez begins, the girl to your left leans a little closer, voice a low whisper. "Hey. I'm Nancy Wheeler. It's nice to meet you." She looks like everything your dad wished you could be. Demure and sweet with effortless ease. In reality it took all of your energy to feign what probably came so naturally to sweet Nancy. 

You introduce yourself again and then settle in to the lesson. It's doubtful that you'll be able to catch up in this class, but you'd get there. It was only a few short months until graduation and then you'd never have to go through this again. With any luck, Hawkins would be the last highschool you'd ever have to attend. Then you could think about college which dad insisted was a must - not that you were entirely against it since it meant you could live there on your own and not have to move around as much. 

It's about twenty minutes later that a folded up note makes its way onto your desk from your right, slender digits slipping it between the folds of your notebook. 

In your finest attempt to appear like you weren't up to something in case your teacher looks your way, you unfold it subtly and glance down. 'I'm Steve Harrington. Happy you chose to sit there... Hargrove is terrible company.' The note says and you can't help the small smile that plays about your lips. When you slide your glance to the right, Steve's hazel ones are right there to meet you, his expression mirroring your own. 'Hargrove?' you mouth and he cocks his head in gesture of behind him, where the blond guy is already snoozing on his forearm at the back of the class. Ah. Him. Nobody else seems to notice him, and if they do, they don't show it or care. Steve drops his head to scribble out another note, slyly lowering his hand into the space between you. Your fingers brush as you pluck the second note, the warmth of his hand a surprise in the chilly classroom. 'Need someone to show you around?'

The gesture is a sweet one, and you're in no position to refuse since your appointed guide Eddie was undoubtedly going to ditch you. Even if he does show up, after the little moment in the hall, you're not sure you want to go with him anyway. 

Before responding, you take a moment to take in Steve from the corner of your eye. He's wearing blue jeans and a navy polo striped with beige. No tattoos that you can see and nothing but kindness in his eyes. For all intents and purposes, he seems like the perfect guy. Which, of course, only wants to make you find out what the catch is. There has to be one, right? Surely he has something wrong with him? 

Scream For Me // Billy x Eddie x Steve x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now