3. You were blushing the whole time.

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The doctor gives me a painkiller then he leaves us alone.

His face remains unbreakable as he stares at me with that same look; the predator and his prey.

He takes a step ahead forward, still silent. The tension in the room is rising by every second. His eyes slowly scans my body, he stays still looking at my wound, then he talks in a low tone.

"Did you give in?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"W... What?" I freeze as he takes his time slowly walking up to me. His whole presence in itself is intimidating.

"Did you tell them that you're on a mission here, and you're from the outside and that you're clearly a threat for us. Did you give in already?" I see a hint of amusement in his eyes, but still... His poker face is unbreakable.

"They figured it out themselves, but yes, I told them everything I could possibly remember." 

He steps close to me, only inches away from me, he gazes into my eyes. I feel his scent, it screams power. I can barely move under his stare as he speaks.

"You're such a phatetic spy. I have no idea how would they trust such a mission like this serious, on a woman like you. It's only about time and we'll pull out every useful information we need, I'll make sure to break you..." To emphasis his words he leans even closer.

At his accusation, I feel like it's better to talk less, and not help them anymore in everything I can. 

Then he says something unexpected.

"For how long have you been married?" 

My eyes widen at his words as I look down on my hands, at my ring. 

"At such a young age... Tch. Love. So useless." His cold eyes fixated on me as I cover up my ring. 

"May I?" He puts his hand out, I don't understand his intention. "Give me the ring." He clarifies in a cold tone.

I try to back away.

"I can't let you have anything personal with you during the physical examination. They could give you will power to endure, or it could give you hope." I stare at my ring, as I realize; every single word he says... is true. This ring... is my only property left.

He steps closer and he lifts my head up with his finger as he says. "Or it can be a weapon. My duty is to make sure, you don't have any connetion with your old self. Today, your life was sealed. You belong under our property, you're my responsibility."

With a sudden move he grabs my wrist as he pulls down my ring and he drops my hand. 

"You will also get new clothes, you will become one of us, but you will never be equal to any of us. I will make sure, you'll forget your past life."

He turns away from me, he holds my ring with his thumb and index finger and he raises it towards the light. "It doesn't looks like an engagement ring."

"Because it's not." I say, my heart fell into pieces. "I want it back." I gaze at my empty hand, craving for the ring.

Then he steps back to me, facing me and grabs me by the back of my neck forcing me to look at him in the eyes. 

"Accept it, whoever put you here, they didn't do it for your sake." With a dramatic hand move, he lets go of my neck and he steps back.

Then he throws new clothes at me. A white shirt, underwear, a pair of sock and shoes, and trousers. 

"Change." He says briefly.

Levi Ackerman, UnforgivableWhere stories live. Discover now