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                          •Elysian Monroe

The car ride home from the club, was everything I expected it to be. In the end, she was too drunk to stay mad and stayed the night at my place.

I lowly sighed and turned my head towards the window. we both had time to spare before we needed to be at the office.

A soft knock takes my attention away from the window. I turn towards the door and with one last sigh, I acknowledge the knock

"Come in." I softly say

Kia pops her head in and then she opens the door completely. Eil follows closely behind her with a plate of fruit. I softly chuckle and lift up

"What's this?" I curiously ask

"Breakfast, we've already eaten" Eil smiles

The both of them make their way to the bed and Eil hands me the plate of fruit. I grab it and motion for them to sit. Kia sits down while Eil decides to climb up and lay next to me.

"Why aren't you dressed for school?" I asked

"Today's a half a day, no point in going." She shrugged

"What time do you get out?" I asked

"12pm." She muttered

"Eileen, go get dressed for school. You're already an hour late." I stated

"Exactly, which makes my statement all the more true. No point in going." She smiled

I sighed and looked over to Kia for help. She shook her head and it was clear she was holding in her laughter. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Eil

"Fine, you can stay. That doesn't mean you sit around and do nothing, be productive today." I sighed out

She didn't say anything in response but I did hear a small laugh. She knew I was going to give in regardless of how long we went back and forth. I shook my head and ate the fruit

"When do you guys have to go in?" Eil asked

"I'll be leaving out in an hour, she will be leaving 30 minutes after me. Which means, you need to hurry up and get out of bed Ly." Kia answered

I lowly groaned. She was right, I did need to get out of bed soon. I quickly ate the fruit and placed the plate onto Eli's stomach. She turned and narrowed her eyes

"You brought it up, you take it back." I smiled

She sighed and lifted herself up, grabbing the plate she made her way back to the kitchen.

"Elysian, why were we there last night?" Kia asked

I knew it was coming. Although, I prefer we have this conversation now instead of last night while drunk. I sighed and gave her my attention

"There's something pulling me in her direction Kia. I don't know what it is, it's as if I need to be in her life. Like, I needed to be there yesterday." I spoke

"She's your client Ly, not your friend. Haven't we been here before, with Cassie?" She softly spoke

My eyes shot down at the mention of the name. Cassie was a client and a friend. There were things as her friend that I didn't know about just because, she was my client. I didn't know she was battling things, until one night, I got the call that she had taken her life.

If we would have kept things professional, the news wouldn't have broken me. I lifted my eyes up and sighed

"This is not another Cassie situation. I want to know what he has over her that's keeping her there. It can't just be the child." I spoke

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