lair lair, pants on fire

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"Silence... wake up." Styxx pushed my shoulder. i mumbled something i wasn't even sure of, and rolled over. "Silence... can i touch you?"  he kissed my neck. i moaned. am i dreaming? would Styxx really ask me that? he gently bit my neck. the tiny nibble then harder. "can i?" he licked the bite. it burned, forming a mark.

"n-no... you promised." he chuckled darkly. 

"i know, that's why I'm asking. please? i want to hear your sweet voice moa-"

"Styxx! get out of the privet room! its not a place to fuck your girl!" i suddenly shot up out of Styxx's arms. the one that yelled that was Zagan. i looked around, taking in the unfamiliar sights.

"where am i? Styxx what the hell are we doing here?" he laughed.

"i told you this morning when i woke you up that we are getting on the plane. we have a change of plans, dad wants to take us somewhere special." he sighed and went to the door. "you bastard! you messed up everything!" he walked out. i looked around some more. it was a plain white wall room with a single bed. it was very small. i got up. Styxx lent me one of his shirts to sleep in, because he sent my bag with everyone else's stuff. i peeked out the door.

"is she awake? you didn't eat her or anything did you, Styxx?" a little boy asked. it was Oroan. "i will kill you if you ate my favorite auntie, Styxx." i opened the door. everyone's heads shot up to me. it felt like i walked into something i shouldn't have. "Auntie Silence!" Oroan got up and walked up to me. he hugged me. naturally i hugged him back. 

"awe, that's so cute. someone take a picture! Bast will be pissed if i dot get this! its the first time he's hugged someone on his own!" i looked down at Oroan. he nodded.

"wow... i feel special." i gave a tiny smile.

"ok ok, someone hurry up, take the damn picture so he can get off her!" Styxx yelled. there was thick irritation to his voice. i hugged Oroan closer. 

"no, i like him. in fact, don't touch me today, you pissed me off." i glared at him. Styxx glare back. it was  bone chilling glare. "that... that was hot..." i looked away. "come on Oroan, I'm hungry, help me look for something to eat." Styxx just watched, unable to find the words that would change my mind. 

"wait! the picture!" Focalor, Oroan's father, yelled. "hold on just a second! and smile!" there was a flash of light, then Oroan was pulling me out of the room. "have fun you two, Oroan, shes not like some of your other aunts, you cant tease her."

"huh? tease me?" i looked around questioningly. they acted as if they didn't hear me. Oroan took my hand. he looked up at me with his beautiful red eyes. "... don't think i wont find out what your talking about...." i mumbled. Oroan pulled me out and into a tiny kitchen like area. i looked around. Oroan pulled out some bread. he took out peanut-butter and apple jelly.

"do you like apple jelly?" he asked, eying me. he noticed my stiff stare. i looked away, a little embarrassed.

"I'm... allergic to apples... deathly... so... i cant have any... " Oroan took the jar and walked back to the others.

"auntie is deathly allergic to apples! so don't kisser if you eat any Styxx!" he yelled.

"are you for real? Silence! why didn't you tell me?" he walked in. i shrugged. 

"you should have noticed, i pushed you away every time you tried to feed me apples, or tried to kiss me after eating apples." i looked  down at me feet, and then, back up to him. he was sad.

"... i live eating apples though..." he pouted. there was his baby face act again. i smiled. i liked it when he was sweet and childish.

"sorry, its ok." i tried not to smile. in truth, by people definition, I'm not deathly allergic, but to me, its death.... i think i shouldn't tell him that part, things might get ugly... plus things get to complicated. "or you can just find someone else to marry? i mean, its a win, win if you ask me." i batted my eyes at him. he smiled back at me.

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