24 • feeling again

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(hadiya's pov)

                "SON OF A BITCH!" I yell, gripping my head after it hits the dashboard at an alarming pace

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"SON OF A BITCH!" I yell, gripping my head after it hits the dashboard at an alarming pace. I slowly gather myself, coming to terms with being awake.

"Morning sunshine." Stefan says from the driver's seat next to me.

I groan. "Where the hell are we?"


I'm taken aback, looking out the window to see clear skies. Sand also sticks to the tires, telling me we're on a beach. Stefan actually took me to a beach. I've never been to the beach before.

He parks the car and we get out, immediately feeling the sticky grainy substance under my feet. I put my hand over my eyes, blocking them from the sun.

"I can confidently say that I'm not a fan of the beach." I tell him. He digs around in the car before pulling out a pair of sunglasses, slipping them onto my face.


"Slightly." I cross my arms over my chest, kicking the sand beneath my feet.

Before I know it, his arms wrap themselves around my waist, vamping me into the water. My hand flashes and he's flown off of me, slamming him into the water.

I quickly tie my hair up, making sure it doesn't get wet. That is one thing I will not be dealing with today.

Stefan splashes me anyways, making me gasp. He smiles as I glare at him.

He slowly starts walking towards me. "Don't you dare touch me. Stefan Salvatore I will rip your heart out of your bloody chest!"

He ambushes me from behind, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I grip his arms and lean forward, throwing him into the water.

"Oh, come on. Lighten up." Stefan says with a smile on his face. My hand flashes again as he's bombarded with a wave of water.

"I'm not going to have fun, Stefan. I don't want to. I know you didn't kidnap me and take me to Florida for no reason. Why are we really here?"

He sighs, walking up to me. "I want to help you. You have to let me help you."

"I don't need your help. There's nothing wrong with me. Stop trying to fix something that isn't broken." I start to walk away but he pulls me back.

"You're telling me that you weren't so overcome with emotions that it forced you to turn it all off? Klaus ruined you, he broke you. You have to come to terms with everything. You can't just run away."

I push him off of me. "Watch me."

I vamp off to the nearest bar. The vodka shots are the only thing keeping me in here at this point. When the bartender told me I was 'too drunk' I compelled him to give me more.

𝐒𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂; S.S.Where stories live. Discover now