Untitled Part 3

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My Beloved Robert,

Your letter arrived as a beacon of light in the pervasive gloom that has enveloped Downton since your departure. Each word you penned echoed in my heart, a poignant reminder of the distance that separates us and the perils you face every day. How I wish I could dissolve this distance, to stand by your side, not just in spirit but in presence, to offer you solace amidst the chaos of war.

The estate feels empty without you, the halls and gardens a constant reminder of your absence. I try to keep busy, to maintain a semblance of normalcy for our daughters, but the silence that greets me in our chamber each night speaks volumes of the void your absence has created.

Reading about your doubts and fears, I wish I could shield you from the horrors of war. My heart aches knowing you carry not just the burden of battle but the weight of our separation. Yet, in your words, I also find strength - a testament to the enduring love that binds us, a love that transcends the confines of distance and the ravages of war.

I cling to the hope of your safe return, imagining the day we will be reunited. I envision it in vivid detail - the feel of your embrace, the warmth of your kiss, a moment of peace snatched from the clutches of turmoil. Until that day, I will carry you in my heart, your image a constant companion as I walk the grounds of Downton, each step a prayer for your safety and swift return.

Stay strong, my dearest Robert. Let our love be your shield and your comfort, as yours is mine. We await your triumphant return, to once again complete the family that feels so incomplete in your absence.

With all my love and longing, 


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