Untitled Part 7

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My Beloved Robert,

Your request for news of our daughters has filled me with a joy that I have not felt since your departure. It warms my heart to share with you the vibrant tapestry of our girls' lives, each thread unique and beautiful, weaving together in your absence to maintain the strength and spirit of our family.

Mary has indeed taken to riding with the same steadfast determination  that so resembles your own. Her leadership has kept Downton thriving, despite the challenges that these times present. She often speaks of her duty to you and the legacy you've entrusted to her, carrying it with both pride and humility. She is a constant help to Carson and myself. She's showing kindness to all her siblings and it is a beautiful thing. I've been trying to help your father with estate business and your mother has been more understanding since you left.

Edith's resilience and creativity have blossomed wonderfully. She has found solace and purpose in her writing, contributing to various publications and earning recognition for her insightful perspectives. Her voice, once quiet and hesitant, now resonates with confidence and compassion, reaching out to those who find comfort in her words.

Sybil, true to her nature, has been a beacon of hope and kindness, engaging in charitable works and supporting those affected by the war. Her passion for making a difference has only intensified, inspiring all of us to look beyond our circumstances and contribute to the greater good. Her spirit, undeterred by the shadows of these times, shines brightly, guiding us toward light and love.

And little Noel, our precious girl, grows more delightful with each passing day. Her laughter fills the halls of Downton, a sweet melody amidst the silence of your absence. She asks about you often, her curiosity about the world you're helping to shape growing with her. We see in her the best of us both, a hope for the future that we are building together, even now, as we are apart.

Robert, our daughters are indeed the embodiment of the love and the values we hold dear. They miss you terribly, as do I, but take comfort in the knowledge that the strength of our family endures, even in the face of such trials. Your love and guidance continue to be a guiding force in their lives, as in mine, bridging the distance that separates us.

Until we are reunited, know that you are ever present in our hearts and our home, the cornerstone of the life we eagerly await to resume with you.

With all my love and the shared love of our daughters,


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