Untitled Part 10

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My Dearest Cora,

In the midst of our shared grief and the challenges that distance imposes upon us, I received a letter from my mother that has both saddened me further and placed upon us additional burdens. With a heavy heart, I convey to you her words, knowing the pain they will bring.

Mother has expressed strong reservations against your travel to America for your father's funeral. She insists that with both of us away, and in light of recent tragic events, your presence here is indispensable for managing the estate and providing the necessary support to the family. She feels strongly that the responsibilities that lie with us, especially in these trying times, must take precedence.

Adding to our sorrows, I must also share the heartbreaking news of Marmaduke's death. He fell in battle at Transvaal, leaving Rosamund widowed. The loss is profound, not just for Rosamund, but for all of us. He was a man of honor and bravery, and his passing in such a manner, while noble, leaves a void that words cannot fill.

I understand the position my mother has taken, though it pains me deeply to think of you being unable to bid farewell to your father in the manner you wish. The constraints of duty and responsibility weigh heavily upon us, pulling us in directions we would not choose for ourselves in times of personal grief.

Yet, in the face of these directives and the additional loss of Marmaduke, our family needs us now more than ever. Rosamund's grief, the management of the estate, and the support you can provide here, become paramount. It is a cruel twist of fate that asks so much of us at a time when our own hearts are laden with sorrow.

My love, I share in your disappointment and frustration. I too feel the sting of being unable to act as we might wish, bound as we are by obligations that stretch beyond our personal desires. In this moment, our strength as a couple and as a family is tested, yet I know it will not be found wanting.

I ask, with a heavy heart, for your understanding and your resilience. Together, we must navigate these turbulent waters, supporting Rosamund, managing the affairs of the estate, and honoring the memories of those we have lost in the best way we can under the circumstances.

Please know that my thoughts, my love, and my deepest sympathies are with you always. Together, we will endure this, as we have all things, with grace, love, and an unwavering commitment to each other and to our family.

Yours, in shared sorrow and eternal love,


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