Untitled Part 12

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My Dearest Sister Rosamund,

Your letter, bearing news of Cora's condition, has reached me, and it has left me deeply troubled and concerned. The thought of Cora suffering so profoundly, in illness and in grief, while I am so far removed from her, is more than I can bear. Her well-being is paramount to me, and the knowledge that she is in such a state without me by her side to offer comfort and support is a source of immense distress.

The losses we have faced, both personal and within the broader turmoil of the war, have indeed cast a long shadow over our family. It pains me deeply to be so far from you all, unable to provide the immediate support and love that I so desperately wish to give.

Your suggestion to request leave or a discharge under these circumstances is one that resonates with my own heart's desire. The idea that there might be a path back to Cora and the family, even amidst the ongoing conflict, offers a glimmer of hope in what has felt like an unending night.

I will take immediate steps to explore the possibility of returning home, drawing upon the potential avenue that cousin Hugh has suggested. His willingness to advocate on my behalf is a kindness that I cannot adequately express my gratitude for. I will write to him directly, seeking his guidance and assistance in navigating the procedures required for such a request.

The duty I feel towards my country and my role here in South Africa has always been clear, but it pales in comparison to the duty I owe to my wife and family. The thought of Cora, struggling so deeply and needing support, clarifies my priorities with a sharpness that I cannot ignore. My place is with her, with you, and with our daughters, especially in this dark hour.

Please, Rosamund, in my absence, continue to offer Cora all the love and support you can muster. Let her know that I am doing everything within my power to return to her side, and that not a moment goes by when she is not in my thoughts.

I will keep you informed of any progress regarding my request to return home. Until then, know that my heart is with you all, aching to be reunited and to share in the burden of our grief and recovery.

With all my love and determination,


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