01: The Hunters

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The Quileute pack is at the beach, and the few boys are currently playing rugby, while another three boys and a girl are sitting on a log, watching them play. The few consist of Jacob Black, Embry Call, Leah, and Seth Clearwater chuckled at the rest of their pack playing like goofy and crazy like toddlers. Leah caught Jacob staring at something or... someone behind her as she turned around to see the couple kissing, another couple far from them were with little kids enjoying their little family day, Leah sighed at the sight and looked back to Jacob as she took his large hand in her small hand, "I know it's hard..." She started with a heavy sigh. Embry and Seth looked at her, "Hopefully soon, we will find our imprints someday." She said, Jacob looked away from her eyes and stared at the couple in the distance, Embry and Seth soon followed his eyes and looked at the couple, feeling a sting in their hearts just seeing them going all lovey-dovey with each other. Embry and Seth now once know what Leah has been talking about and sighed, too. Leah looked over to the boys and gave a small smile with slight pain in her eyes. Then here comes the rest of the pack consisting of Sam, Paul, Quil, and Jared sat on sand in front of them.

"I know you all hate this long, I do." Sam told them while looking at the boys and Leah, "But Leah is right... someday, we will find our imprints." He assured them, Leah smiled softly.

Then suddenly, there was more than one person screaming in distance but lucky for shape-shifters ears can hear it while the humans couldn't because to them, it is far away from them but for shape-shifters with super hearing is not far away from as they all stood up quickly and went into the woods before striping their clothes off then phased into a wolf as they got used to each other being naked for years and doesn't bothered them anymore. They ran in the farther and farther as they got closer to the screams where it was coming from, but not just screams. There was growling as well, and the sound of shooting.

"What the hell?" Said Jared through telepathy link with the pack.

"Sam? What do we do? What if it was police? We can't let them see us." Said worried Leah as she slowed down her pace.

"We swore to oath to protect humans." Sam reminded them.

"But that growls... it's sounds almost like us." Jacob said.

"It's too risky." Paul said huffed as if he was let out heavy sigh.

"I'm alpha, I say we'll go protect humans no matter what." Sam said, almost showing the alpha side.

The wolves bowed a little and whinced before they all started to run off toward the sounds followed by their alpha.


Sam's POV

I can understand what must be going through their minds right now, but we swore to the oath that we must protect humans no matter what, even if we are willing to die for it, we would. But on the other hand, they must be thinking how not to expose ourselves to humans depending on who they are fighting with. It will be hard for humans to believe there is a pack of giant wolves that something we need to make sure no one knows about it, and that is a little harder to convince.

"We're almost there." Jared informed us as we all still run towards the sounds.

The screams start to sound more clear as we get closer. The faster as we goes the closer we get to them. We arrived at the scene but not what I was expecting. The shooting we heard from wasn't cops but it was the hunters. We looked to see who they were fighting with, and I sniffed off the scents... more shape-shifters? I looked over to see two wolves growling and protecting the few girls behind them. But those girls behind them were also protecting specific only two girls farther in the back, and now I understood why a heavy pregnant girl and young girl looked about 16. They were trying to protect their family, and I would have done the same for mine, too.

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