05: The Chosen One

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Everyone started to go inside after a fun morning with a few games, and the afternoon had to come. Everyone was getting hungry, Paul and Embry told everyone about Tallulah's amazing cooking from this morning, Tallulah couldn't mind to cook everyone meals, Sam was about to protest but decided to help her so she doesn't pressure herself, Ashwiyaa raised her little sister since in her teenage and she used to cook for herself and her sister so she decided to help Sam and Tallulah to cook for everyone, it will be lots for only Sam and Tallulah to cook on their own as everyone eat lots, being perks of wolf but for Kimimila, she had to eat so much more than everyone, one she is a shape-shifter, and two she's pregnant. Nashoba didn't want to sit with everyone alone, so she decided to sit outside on the porch on her own since her sister went to help her alpha to cook for everyone. Leah, being her imprint and all, knew Nashoba was alone outside and didn't want to be near with everyone but mostly closer to her sister only, and sometimes her pack. Leah knew at some point that she had to talk to her imprint after all, but she didn't know how to approach that. She decided to be brave and try to go to talk to her imprint while everyone too busy to chat and enjoy themselves.

Leah slowly approached her imprint outside on the porch, "Hey..." She said softly, Nashoba looked up, "May I sit with you?" Leah asked carefully, Nashoba nodded as Leah sat down next to Nashoba but was not too close to give her some a little space since she remembered yesterday that Ashwiyaa said Nashoba is feeling insecure, "Are you not people's person?" Leah asked.

"Nope." Nashoba said.

"Me either." Leah said, Nashoba looked over to her, confused, "They're annoying." She joked, causing both girls to laugh softly.

"I don't blame you." Nashoba said, Leah was so happy to hear her sweet voice, and it was the first time she ever heard it as she never spoke at her house either, and Ashwiyaa did the most talking job but she just glad to hear it.

"Do you mind if I call you Nash?" Leah asked, Nashoba nodded, and Leah smiled, "Nashoba is a beautiful name."

"Really? No one thinks." Nashoba said, looking down.

Leah frowned, "Screw them. What does it mean?" She asked.

"It's Choctaw language for wolf."

Leah smirked, "And you can turn into a wolf. What a coincidence." She joked.

Nashoba didn't say anything but gave a small smile, "Yeah, uh... from what I can remember, my mapaw came from the Choctaw tribe and my papaw came from my tribe obviously."

"Mapaw? Papaw?" Leah asked in confusion.

"My grandparents, it is what we called them." Nashoba blushed really mad.

"Cute." Leah awed.

"Yeah, my father can speak both tribes language. That's how I got my name from him, my mother chose for my sister name." Nashoba explained.

"Well, I like it. It's unique." Leah complimented, causing Nashoba to blush again and look down to hide her blush, but was lifted up as Leah lifted Nashoba's chin up to look in her eyes, "No need to hide, cutie." She winked.

Nashoba giggled softly, "Stop, Lee-Lee." She whined.

"Wait, Lee-Lee?"

"I... I mean... I..."

"Nash, I love it. Just caught me off guard." Leah admitted, smiled softly.

Little did they know, inside the cabin with the door wide open exposed everyone could see them, Ashwiyaa was in tears as she watched and listened in their conversation, Dakota hugging Ashwiyaa's side for comfort, Quil was slightly concerned for his imprint being in tears, Cheyenne told the Uley pack that Nashoba didn't have a good life and she doesn't like to be near around people but she never gave the details as she respected Nashoba's privacy till she was ready. Everyone now understood why Ashwiyaa was in tears. It must be Nashoba first time to start warming up toward Leah or even at least smile once, which she did multiple times. They weren't sure if it was their imprint bonds that pull them closer and feel comfortable being around with each other, but either way, Leah found a way to cheer up Nashoba in a way and she did it successfully. Ashwiyaa was hoping that Leah would help Nashoba to build up confidence and start warm up being around the pack if that was possible.

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