04: A Good Morning

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The very next day in bright morning as the sun came up, Sam opened his eyes but quickly shut them as the sun shone in his eyes from through the window, he slowly adjusted his eyes to the brightness before slowly sit up on armchair that he slept in and stretched his back with the sound of popping, he looked over to see his pack brothers sleeping and their legs tangled on the couch that they've both shared causing him to chuckle softly before he took a sniff of the delicious smell, causing him to frown as he quickly got up and went into the kitchen where he have met with his imprint cooking by the oven, a frying pan on it with pancakes being cooked as she continues to flipping them, he smiled at beautiful sight stood in front of him, he leaned his side against the wooden pillar and crossing his arms, watching. Tallulah turned around to put pancakes on the plates that lay out for everyone, Sam counted there are six plates, and he probably guessed it was for him, Tallulah, Paul, Embry, Cheyenne, and Kimimila. Tallulah startled when she caught her imprint staring at her, causing her to blush slightly, and Sam chuckled before went over to her, "You didn't have to do this." Sam started.

"I want to. To say thank you." Tallulah nodded and went back to the oven to continue to make more pancakes.

"Well, this smells so delicious." Sam admitted.

Tallulah let out a soft chuckle, "I love baking and cooking. I usually do this every single day for my father since I was twelve. My grandmother taught me how to cook or bake... my father is always busy with being the alpha and all." She explained before putting pancakes onto the plates, then repeatedly.

"Your father was so lucky to have you." Sam said before went over to one of cupboard to take out toppings stuff and cream for pancakes, onto the table.

"Yeah... I miss him." Tallulah sighed.

Sam looked at her sadly, "I'm so sorry."

Tallulah shook her head and looked at him with a reassure smile, "It's fine."

Sam was about to say something before a groaning was heard behind him as he turned around to see Embry and Paul stretching their backs as they walked in, "Ooh... I didn't know Sam would cook so well." Paul joked, causing Embry snorted, and Tallulah giggled.

Sam rolled his eyes and grunted, "That was all Tally's work." Sam informed them, gestured to Tallulah.

Embry and Paul looked over to Tallulah, who was just putting more pancakes on the plates, "Hmm, you should cook oftens. The smell is yummy." Paul exclaimed before he went over to sit by the circle table to wait for the breakfast to be done.

Embry chuckled and went over to sit next to Paul, "We hardly eat around here. You're the first to cook here." Embry admitted.

Tallulah looked over to Sam in surprised, "You don't cook?"

Sam shook his head, "We usually go over Burgershack diner or at Sue's to eat, rarely some of us eat here." Sam explained.

Everyone turned as soon as they heard the footsteps coming downstairs as they looked up to see Cheyenne approaching while helping Kimimila, causing Paul to drop his chair and go over to help her, "Should you be up and about?" Paul asked worriedly as he guided Kimimila over to the table.

"I'm not laying in bed anymore, I like to move about before I get cramps if I don't." Kimimila said as she slowly sat down while resting her right hand on her swollen stomach, Cheyenne sat by Kimimila's right side while Paul sat by Kimimila's left side around the table

"Did Sue give you the clear?" Paul asked, Cheyenne rolled her eyes at his already 'protective' of his imprint.

"No, but you aren't telling her a thing." Kimimila pointed at him threateningly.

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