02: Safe

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The Quileute pack takes the girls back to the alpha Sam's place, Sam walks by the girl side, the one he imprinted on, while she's helping the pregnant girl who seemed struggling and dehydrated as she weakly walk while Sam hearing Paul whince and look as if he want to help as much as he could but didn't want to scare the girls or especially the pregnant girl, Sam frowned while looked over his shoulder to look at Paul with question look. Paul looked down slowly, noticing that his alpha was staring at him, and then it hit Sam, Paul imprinted on the pregnant girl. Is this normal? Wait... did the pack imprint every single girl? Does that include Leah? Questions ran through Sam's head, and Sam counted there were eight girls in a pack, his pack consisting of Sam, Paul, Jacob, Jared, Quil, Embry, Leah, and Seth, also eight people too.

Everyone sees the cabin in distance, knowing they are getting close, Sam looked over to his imprint but quickly caught a glimpse of the pregnant girl about to drop, Paul with his instinct quickly caught her in his arms and picked her up gently in bridal style, "I got it." Paul said to the girls who seemed worried and ready to catch her, but thank Paul, who saw it early.

Sam wondered how long the girls had been running for? It is clear he can tell the girls are exhausted and little dehydrated, but unfortunately, for the pregnant girl who is in a worse state as she is heavy pregnant, he looked over to his imprint who walk by his side, "How long have you guys been running for?" He asked, his imprint looked up.

"Just about two days." She said, let out heavily sigh, Sam wishes he could make everything go better, but he doesn't know how and he know that he had to take care of his imprint no matter what that includes for her pack too.

The pack growled quietly. Obviously, they didn't like the idea that the girls were on the run for a few days with no help, and the hunters were trying to kill them. Sam can understand how they must be feelings. He now understood why they are all protective of the girls. They imprinted on them, surely the girls imprinted on them too. The girls don't seem very protective of their imprints. Maybe they are slightly. The only thing he can tell is that the girls are very protective of each other, which he doesn't blame for that. He noticed the symbol tattoo on the girls' shoulders like Sam and his pack, but the symbol looked differently, showing they were from another the tribe and he recognised that symbol that the girls are from the Cherokee tribe, Sam's father and grandfather were friends with the alpha from that tribe but he wasn't sure if the alpha is alive as he remembered that his imprint is alpha or he assumed she is.

"Sam, I called mom, and she's coming to check on them." Leah said, Sam nodded, he was grateful that there was someone who was a nurse or doctor on their tribe without worried if they needed to go to the hospital but they hardly went as they can heal but for the pregnant girl, she will be need to be check out and for the youngest girl, she still passed out but healing nicely though.

The packs arrived at Sam's place, and everyone went inside, "Seth, put her in Embry's room, and Paul, she can use my bed." Sam instructed them while looking at his imprint for approval, and she nodded at the boys who carried girls in their arms, Seth went to Embry's room while Paul went to Sam's room, "Don't worry. Leah and Seth's mother is a nurse, and she knows about shape-shifters. She can help them." Sam reassured his imprint with a small smile. The girl nodded and thanked him for helping them, "Don't worry. It is our job to help you guys." Sam told her.

"You barely know us." One of the girls with short hair said.

"I think he was meant about imprinting part." Sam turned to Jacob, shook his head, Jacob ignored him, "It is our job to keep our imprints safe, and I'm sure you know that already." Jacob told her while looking at his imprint, who was just resting on the couch in wrapped up blanket around her naked body after the incident from earlier. Sam looked to the door after hearing it being opened, Jared walked in with the girl who had a blanket wrapped around her body after shift back from wolf form earlier, Jared must have gave her a blanket earlier.

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