03: Arrangements

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Sam and Tallulah chatted for another hour before they both decided to join their packs who were still inside, getting to know one another, and Tallulah wanted to check on her pack sister, Kimimila, who currently resting due to dehydration and being pregnant. Sam could tell how protective Tallulah is toward her pack. The girls even looked up to her as if she were their mother and heck even if they called her mama of the pack, which Sam found cute. He could honestly sometimes find himself acting as a father toward his pack, and he practically raised them and took care of them even though they're a few years younger than him, Leah being the same age as him but for Leah, he just look at her as his sister rather than 'being his kid' like the pack. The pack always looked up at him as their own father figure and older brother, but they couldn't find themselves calling him papa of the pack like the girls did with Tallulah. Tallulah and Cheyenne decided to go together to see Kimimila to check on her. Tallulah, being the alpha of the pack, she always had to make sure her pack was safe and okay, Cheyenne being Kimimila's adoptive sister, and she wanted to check on her family that left remains since she lost her family due to the slaughtered and all she had was her adoptive sister and unborn child. Sam and Embry hate seeing their imprints being separated from them already but they knew how much protective the girls were toward to each other so they decided to let it go, to give them a space and knowing they will be back anyway.

Tallulah and Cheyenne walked into Sam's bedroom to find Kimimila and Paul smiling and talking while Kimimila rested her hands on her stomach, "Mimi?" Cheyenne called.

They both looked up, and Kimimila smiled, "Tally, Cherry. Hey." She waved.

"We just want to check on you, agilvgi." Cheyenne smiled, Paul scrunched his brows together in confusion, Kimimila noticed his confusion expression and chuckled softly as he looked at her.

"Agilvgi means sister." Kimimila explained.

Paul mouth went 'o' shape in realising that Cheyenne were using sort of language from their tribe just like he does with his tribe but none of them languages are the same, though.

"Does the Quileute tribe have a language?" Cheyenne asked while tilting her head in curiosity.

"Yes, we do. It's just not the same." Paul nodded before getting up from his seat and taking his and his imprint plates with him, "I will leave you girls alone." He smiled at Kimimila before leaving the room with plates in his hands.

Cheyenne looked at her adoptive sister and smirked before taking Paul spot on chair, "He's hot." She whispered.

Kimimila's eyes widened, "Cheyenne!" Cheyenne giggled and leaned back in her chair, "So was Embry." She said smugly. As soon as she said it, Cheyenne gasped while sitting up straight.


Tallulah chuckled softly at them, acting like children for a second and shaking her head, "Alright, girls." She waved her right hand to stop the childish behaviour between the two sisters, "I'm glad to see that you're doing alright." Tallulah said to Kimimila.

"I felt great." Kimimila nodded.

"I'm glad to hear that. Take a rest as much as you can." Tallulah pointed at her, "We will come later in a few hours. You must sleep and rest." She instructed before Cheyenne getting up from her seat, knowing it's a cue to leave now.

"We will be back, agilvgi." Cheyenne smiled, and she leaned down to kiss on her sister forehead before walking away and waving goodbye as she left the bedroom with Tallulah, who followed her out.


Tallulah and Cheyenne make their way into the living room where everyone will be, Sam was the first to see them and walk over to the girls while he did that, and Cheyenne walk over to sit next to Ama who just resting her head on Cholena's head while their hands held. Sam leaned his back against the island, crossing his arms and legs as he stood by Tallulah.

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