06: Trouble

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Warning: Mention of rape.

Leah and Nashoba arrived at First Beach and started walking on the rough sand through their toes after taking off their shoes and casual walking like a normal routine everyone does in every morning or afternoon. They could hear the waves crashing on the shore as they watched the sun set over the horizon, and listen rustling leaves, wind blowing through the trees, pine cones falling, birds calling, mosquitos buzzing, squirrels chittering and, the rustle of leaves as a deer walks by, but for their super hearing in the far distance, they could hear wild animals barks and roaring, such as bears, coyotes, mountain lions, and so more.

"How did you like it so far?" Leah asked, looking at her imprint.

Nashoba slowly looked up, "It's beautiful, so relax." She gave a small smile, which in return, Leah smiled.

"Not as beautiful as you."

Nashoba looked down blushed, playing the hem of her thin jacket awkwardly, "T-thanks." She stuttered nervously, "So do you." Her eyes went widened and looked up quickly with panicking in her eyes, "I-I... I am... I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed and turned to run.

Leah quickly caught up to her, but thank her speed is quicker than her imprint as she got the hold of her imprints right arm and spun her around to pull her closer to Leah's chest without realising how close they were to each other, Nashoba breath hitched when Leah did that. Leah didn't want to say anything, but at the same time, she wanted to, but couldn't because of how close they were to each other, and Leah brain sort of scrambled at this point.

After a long silence, except the girls breathed heavily as they stared at each other in their eyes and listened to the background noises, Leah decided to break the silence, "Nash... I... I don't know how your life turned out in the past, but I want you to know that... I'm not mad at you for saying that." Leah assuredly, "I will respect if you didn't want to tell me anything, and that is okay. But I just want you to know that I am never... ever be angry at you." At this point, Nashoba finally broke down and collapsed on the ground, sobbing as Leah quickly got down and pulled her imprint in her chest, wrapping arms around her, smoothing her, "Oh, Nash... what have they done to you?" Leah whined softly and shushing her.

Nashoba continues to be sobbing and sniffing as she wipes away her sloppy nose, still in Leah's arms, "It just... I got hurt." She said hoarsely.

"Shh, shh, it's okay. You don't have to tell me right now." Leah said reassuringly as she rubbed Nashoba's back smoothly, "I just want you to know that I would never ever hurt you in some ways, okay? I will always be here if you need anything, shoulder to cry on." Nashoba looked up with puffy eyes and tears stained on her cheek, Leah's heart ached at the sight of her imprint and leaned in to kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you." Nashoba sighed softly.

"Anything for you." Leah said with a sweet, soft tone.


Quil and Ashwiyaa walked in the woods towards to where Quil wanted to take her to the cliff where the pack usually went for cliff diving for fun. They were halfway getting there and decided to make a conversation to make time flies quicker as they listened to animal cries, barks, roaring, buzzing, chirping, and so many more they could hear, "Is your sister okay?" Quil asked concerned.

Ashwiyaa sighed quietly, "Not really. She's... she's afraid." She looked at her imprint walking beside her left side.

"The hunters?" Quil asked questioningly.

"Everything. She has more issues being around people... she only trusts me and my pack, but mostly me, obviously." Ashwiyaa explained sadly as she began to think of the past of what had happened to her sister. Her eyes began to be watery, which threatened to spill. She took in big gasps of air and heaving her chest as she'd closer to sob right there, Quil knew this instantly and pulled her in his tight, strong arms.

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