08: Getting Help

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Warning: Torture (at the end of chapter)


Sam stood by the door, arms crossed as he listened carefully to the conversation that Tallulah and Sue were currently speaking in his bedroom where he left Nashoba in. Jacob stood next to Sam, Cholena leaned against Jacob's chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and placed his chin on her left shoulder. Kimimila buried in Paul's chest, who both sat on the couch while her hands held her stomach, worriedly, Paul also wrapped his arms around her. Ama still sat next to Kimimila that she hadn't left her side since the Uley pack arrived with their pack sisters, Seth sat on the arm of the couch by her side, rubbing her back smoothly and also himself can't stop thinking of his older sister who got taken by the hunters with his pack brothers along imprints. Cheyenne sat on armchair by Paul's side, her eyes kept closely on her adoptive sister in Paul's arms, feeling distrust as she was worried for her adoptive sister safety after what she went through that no one knows the truth except her pack sisters. Before anyone could say anything, they've heard footsteps approaching them, causing them to look up, waiting to hear the news.

Sam looked at his imprint, trying to read her expression before Sue started speaking for her, "I've stopped the bleeding, the arrow managed hit artery, that's why she was bleeding unstoppable Now, I can't know what will happen to her since she was poisoned... we need to wait to hear from Billy about how to save her this time. But right now, there's nothing else I can do for her." Sue explained sadly. She was feeling gloomy as she knew this would affect her daughter, who was taken by the hunters, and she was terrified that she would be about to lose her daughter, just like her husband, Harry Clearwater and all she got is her son, Seth. Sue startled by someone touching her shoulder as she turned to see Sam looking concerned before Sue regrettably let tears fall down, and Sam pulled her in his arms tightly as she sobbed. Seth was trying not to cry as he watched his mother break down in his alpha's arms. He knew it was about his sister. Sudden, he felt a small hand slowly intertwine his large hand as he looked down to see his imprint, Ama holding his hand, causing him to smile weakly.

Jacob pulled out his phone, hoping to find great news, but nothing came on his phone. He sighed in frustration, Sam turned a bit to look at Jacob while holding Sue in his arms. He was waiting for confirmation coming from Jacob, but Jacob shook his head sympathetically. Sam doesn't say anything about that as he knew it was pointless to think or say something. It has been two hours since Sue showed up and tried to help Nashoba as much as she could, which took her a bit longer than she expected. Nashoba is still alive but very weak and hasn't woken up either. Everyone hoped for the best that Nashoba could hold on a little longer since the bleeding was stopped and patiently to hear from Billy since they still got no news from him.

The girls grew impatiently and perturbed. The boys were trying their best to calm the girls, mostly Kimimila. Tallulah brought a cup of tea over to Sue, who sat by the diner table, setting the cup down on the table in front of Sue, who gladly took a sip of it while sniffed and wiping tears away from her eyes with a tissue, Sam on his knee by her side, rubbing her back comfortably while Tallulah smiled softly until the ringtone caught everyone attention as they all spun their heads towards Jacob who took out his phone and answer the call also putting it on speaker for anyone to hear...

"Dad?" Jacob started, holding his phone in his left hand while his right hand on Cholena's back, rubbing in circles.

"Are you on speaker?" Said Billy on the other side of the phone.


"We know how to stop it. Unfortunately, I don't have ingredients, but wolfbane is rare to find stuff to make it... like sort of antidotes. So I've asked for help because it was the only way to get it quicker otherwise... Nashoba won't make it, and of course, you will not like it." Hearing Billy sighed sharply at the end part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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