07: Wolfbane

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The girls consist of Cholena, Kimimila, Cheyenne, and Ama are currently in the living room, waiting and wondering where the rest of the packs are and why Leah signalled the packs. They didn't like the ideas of staying behind and not helping, but they knew they had to stay behind because of pregnant Kimimila. They had to protect her at all cost. They just have no idea what is out there awaiting among them. They were going too crazy of not knowing if their imprints were safe even though they barely knew them but still cared about them. Kimimila and Ama are sitting on the couch, Kimimila rests her hands on her swollen stomach while Ama is just biting her nails. It's her habit of nervousness. Cheyenne, pacing forth and back in the kitchen, adjoins the living room while Cholena stands by the window, looking out cautiously.

Cheyenne sighed heavily, "It has been hours!" She complained, throwing arms up in the air.

"I know, but we can't do anything. We had to keep Mimi safe." Cholena sighed softly, never look away from the window.

"Maybe I should go." Cheyenne started.

Kimimila snapped her head to look at her adopted sister with eyes widened in shock, "No way! You are not going anywhere!" She exclaimed.

Cheyenne sighed quietly and rubbed her forehead, "Look, Mimi. They would be hurt and need our help, so I'm going. Lena and Ama will keep you safe."

"If they were hurt... we all could have felt it, have we felt it? No." Kimimila pointed out.

"What if they didn't hurt them?" Ama asked.

"Ama's right. They would take our pack and imprints." Cheyenne said.

Kimimila sighed quietly, "Cherry... don't. You're all I have got. My baby only got us. Don't go." She begged, letting tears fall down, Cheyenne looked down sadly.

"I'm sorry, Mimi." Cheyenne said before went over to Kimimila and kneeled down in front of her, "I didn't mean to upset you." She apologised.

"It's okay. Just promise me not to do something stupid." Kimimila pleaded.

"I... I promise." Cheyenne promised.

They all heard a loud gasp, and they turned to look at Cholena running toward the door to open it. The barechest Sam ran inside with naked Nashoba, passed out in his arms towards his room with Tallulah following behind him, "What happened?!" Cholena shouted. Seth frantically around to look for his phone breathed heavily as he was trying to call for his mother to come to Nashoba's aid, who isn't healing which everyone were worried that she isn't going to make it with that amount of blood if she won't heal. Jacob pulled Cholena into the living room where the rest of the girls were, "Jake?" Cholena asked worriedly.

Jacob sighed, "It was the hunters... Nashoba got hit with an arrow, but she won't heal... we don't know if they put something on an arrow. Seth is just going to call his mother to come help her." He explained, Kimimila covered her mouth worriedly since she saw how much amount of blood that Nashoba has loss, it was so much worse than Ama before.

"Wait... where are Wiya and Kota?" Ama asked.

Paul kneeled down beside her, sighing, "The hunters took them, they took Quil, Wiya, Jared, Kota, Embry, and Leah. We just got away on time before they tried to take us, too." He explained.

"I need to call my dad to tell him what's going on." Jacob informed, Paul nodded as Jacob gave Cholena a reassure kiss on the forehead before he walked away to make a call to his father, Billy Black. Cholena doesn't care about feeling uncomfortable or talking about the kiss on the forehead that Jacob just gave it to her. She just needs some little comfort after witnessing her pack sister covered in bloody, and it has terrified her, Ama was enough, but seeing her another pack sister injured upset her.

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