Jealous! Lute x fem. Reader NSFW

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Requested by: Hunter886298

I'm so sorry for my long absence here on wattpad! Motivation has been low but this request really activated my brain.

The L in Lute stands for 'Love of my life' 😩

Content warning: Adam being Adam, NSFW, cunnilingus, fingering

Minors, this isn't for you, please shoo.

Tell me if I missed something or if I made any grammar mistakes.

I hope you enjoy~!


The fork's cool steel rests against the warm skin of your right palm as you calmly stab into the food on your plate before bringing it up to your mouth.

Your left hand's fingers are intertwined with that of Lute. Her thumb softly stroking along the back of your own while sitting in front of you at the restaurant's table. Her golden gaze meets your twinkling orbs, a smile on her face as you enjoy the dinner.

"-And then I was like 'Hey! You'd really want the drummer's dick instead of the fucking original?' That chick seriously wanted to bang the drummer! The fucking DRUMMER! I mean, did she even know who the fuck I am?! I am the dickmaster! I've got the original!"

A familiar voice interrupts the comfortable silence as Adam continues to ramble about his latest encounter with a woman. His voice is tinted with disbelief, his hands gesturing wildly in front of him. The golden facial accents on his mask are pulled into a scowling expression.

"Yeah, how dare she when you were right there and ready." A snicker escapes your lips as you humor him. The angel beside you enthusiastically nods his head in agreement.

"Exactly! You get it sweet tits!" His left elbow nudges you into your side before he picks up the ribs from his plate, eating the meat through his mask.

"You know," He starts while chewing. "If you ever need a good dick, this one here is always ready to ride, babe." His eyebrows raise and fall in a suggestive manner, the ribs forgotten on his plate as he forms a hole with his left hand's index finger and thumb, moving another finger to go in and out of it.

A quiet scoff comes from the angel seated in front of you, her golden gaze narrowing at her superior. Her hand that is still intertwined with yours, gives it a small squeeze, yet she refrains from saying anything.

Knowing that Adam, if not pleased by your response, will only feel insulted, you roll your eyes. "Of course. If I ever need a man, I'd come to you, Adam. After all, as the first man you're bound to be the best too."

Clearly basking in your compliment, his ego inflates further. "Hah! That's why you're my favorite bitch!" He laughs, his hand forming a fist as he holds it to you. Your free hand lets go of the fork, forming it into a fist as you fist bump the angel.

After the dinner with Adam, Lute and you walk to your shared home in silence. Though she usually is not talkactive, her current silence is almost unsettling, the atmosphere tense between you.

Hence it is no surprise that the second you two step inside your place, Lute is all over you. Her mouth presses unto your neck, her teeth nibbling on your skin as her hands eagerly get rid of your clothes.

A whine falls from you as she sucks on your throat, your back pushed down unto the cotton bedsheets underneath you. "Fuck, Lute..." Your girlfriend only hums in response.

Her gloved hands run along your bare body, brushing over your breasts down to your abdomen. Her mouth follows, trailing hot kisses along her way as she slides down. Your eyes follow her as she nears your aching core.

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