Husk X Dingo Demon Male! Reader

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Requested by minutiaae
Hope you enjoy.

3rd pov.

„Alright?” asked Charlie the new demon that must stay at the Hazbin Hotel, because (y/n) as cold-hearted as he is he bombed a part of hell that was very important to Lucifer. So Lucifer decided that he must stay at the hotel and rehabilitate though not that much that he's able to go to heaven.

(y/n) just has to learn to respect others and their properties. „Yeah, as if.”  he thought rolling his eyes. „Did you listened to me?” asked Charlie the dingo demon, trying to sound strict which failed miserably. He just nodded at her „Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, princess.” he replied mocking her. She looked at him and called her 'friends' (y/n) rolled his eyes again.

One girl and three guys walked inside the room. „This is Vaggie.” said Charlie to him pointing at the girl. „Those two are Angel Dust and Alastor” now pointing to two boys which don't look like they like each other, well the red deer demon seemingly doesn't likes the spider guy. „And he is our bartender, Husk.” Charlie told him pointing to a cat-like demon. The cat sure caught (y/n)'s interest with his grumpy and negative way he looked at his co-workers.

„I'm a bartender no maid. So don't even think about asking me to make damn food.” he said narrowing his eyes at him. (y/n) only grins at Husk as response. „Now that you know everyone here how about someone shows you your room?” asked the princess cheerily making (y/n) snarl his tongue disgusted by her happiness.

„I can show his new room to the, cutie!” said the spider, which he assumes is Angel Dust, in a flirty way. „No way! You can't do this to me!” The Dingo demon shouted at Charlie. „What do you think you're-” Vaggie tried to interrupt them but (y/n) silenced her with a single glare. She flinched and Charlie fiddled with her fingers „W-well who would you l-like to show you your room?” the princess hesitately asked him and he looked at the other demons. „Guess I'll go with the grumpy cat.” (y/n) said to Charlie shrugging his shoulders. As he looked at Husk again he could have sworn that you saw a light blush on the cat's fur.

Husk nodded and mumbled something but motioned for him to follow him.

Husk's pov.

That damn Dingo! I gritted my teeth angry at (y/n) choosing me. Why would he choose me? But yet I still feel the warmth inside of me and the light heat in my face. I looked at him closely now taking advantage that he's distracted looking around. I saw his short furry tail slightly wagging from side to side and his ears twitching. They must be soft, maybe as soft as mine? I mindlessly touched my own ears thinking that his just feel like them. I shook my head trying to stop where my thoughts are going.

After I showed him around I went back to my bar to drink my booze, but I just couldn't think of anything else than him. The way his tail wagged and his ears moved, the way they looked so soft, softer than humans once thought what clouds must feel like. I groaned in annoyance not knowing what to do about it.

I heard Angel's voice from afar and prayed to Lucifer that he won't come here but he ignored my prayers. „Hey Kitty~!” „Ugh what do you want?” „How rude! Well I just want a simple cup of coffee, because I'm tired.” he said and laid his head ony my bar table! „Get off of my table with your damn head!” I shouted and made a cup of coffee for this idiot.

Timeskip to the next morning~

(y/n) pov.

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Groaning I stood up and grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom that's connected with my room. After I'm done with my morning routine I left my room and walked to the bar to get something to drink.

arrived at the bar I saw the same interesting, grumpy cat demon that showed me around yesterday. I walked towards him and sat down on a chair „Morning.” I greeted him shortly. He slightly jumped surprised at my voice and turned around. His eyes met mine and he tried to say something but couldn't for some reason. „Could I get a glass of Booze?” I asked him trying to sound polite. He nodded and made what I asked him for. I put the glass to my lips feeling the cat staring at me but before I could drink it, interrupted me an annoying but familiar voice.

„There's the new hottie! Hey hot stuff did you slept well.” I rolled my eyes and turned around to look at Angel who stood right behind me. „I, in fact, slept well just like my day started good. But now I'd love to get back to sleep.” „Ouch! Do you dislike me that much, hottie?” i rolled my eyes again as he made puppy eyes. I heard Husk laugh behind me and smiled knowing I made him happy. I shook my head slightly. What is wrong with me?

„Alright I'll let you be.” Angel said and left but not before winking at me. „Yeah he is annoying.” Husk said to me and I nodded in agreement. I looked at him and saw his fur in his face slightly reddening. I laughed at that and I dont know why.

Normally I'd laugh at something tragic but this is absolutely random why would I laugh if someone gets red in the face? „W-well how long are you gonna stay here?” his question confused me, why would he care? „Probably forever.” Husk looked dumbfounded at my reply like he couldn't believe it.

„Alright. Ah by the way, would you like to eat something?” he asked trying to change the subject. „I thought you're not my maid?” I grinned at himand his reaction told me that he completely forgot about that. „Y-yes but I could do you a favor.” I laughed again as I saw hoe nervous he got.

Husk's pov.

That sly dog! I turned around and got some Sandwiches that I made earlier, and got back seeing him drink the Booze. I'm somehow happy that he also likes Booze. Maybe we could drink sometime together? I placed a plate with a few Sandwiches in front of him hoping they'd taste him. (y/n) ate one and hummed showing that it's delicious and I couldn't help but feel proud of myself.

He took another one and ate it too „I have to admit. They're pretty good. Did you made them?” I nodded getting flustered by his compliment. „I'd always come here if there's delicious food like that!” he said smiling and looking truly happy.

„Well, then we'll see us here everyday now!” I exclaimed already thinking about what food I'll make later. 

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