Husk X Shy! Fem. Reader

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Requested by RoeReyes6
Hope you enjoy~

(h/c) = hair color
(e/c) = eye color
(f/d) = favorite drink
(d/c) = drink's color

3rd pov.

The (h/c) haired girl walked slowly towards the main hall of the Hazbin Hotel. Right before she enters, she stood still and took a deep breath trying to calm her already heavily beating heart.

She did not enjoy beeing here around other demons, she'd rather love to stay in her room. Though there's one certain demon, who's presence is rather comforting to her.

The grumpy cat barkeeper caught her interest the very first time she stepped into the Hotel and saw him. She always felt more calm around him than with any other demon.

His rude and uninterested behavior got (y/n) curios at how he can be so careless. Nothing ever seemed to surprise or faze him, unlike her.

The (h/c) haired demon girl with (e/c) eyes is the total opposite of him. She's easy to surprise and very shy, she could never tell anyone that they're annoying or literally any mean thing, no matter what they did.

No, she wasn't like him, not even one bit. She sighed getting out of her thoughts, not wanting to deal with them yet. She stepped inside and almost crashed into another demon girl.

»Oh! (y/n)? I'm sorry, for almost running into you. How are you? I haven't seen you around here lately.« (y/n) looked at the worried demon called Vaggie.

»Y-yes, I'am also s-sorry. I'm g-good a-and you?« Vaggie patted her head lightly »I'm good too, thanks. But you gotta stop making us worried. Even Husk was concerned for you.« The girl couldn't believe what she heard.

Her secret crush was concerned for her well-beeing! She thought that he didn't even noticed her, but this shows her otherwise.

»A-are you sure i-it's me he's concerned a-about?« (y/n) stuttered feeling her face warming up. »Yes. He asked me if you're alright and where you were.« The (h/c) haired demon nodded, fiddling with her fingers. »Well t-then, I'll g-go and search for h-him.«

Vaggie smiled knowing about the demon's crush »Good. And please do come out more often« (y/n) nodded and walked away. She already saw the grumpy cat polishing a glass. The female demon sat down on a bar stool  and waved at Husk slightly.

»H-hey Husk. Could you please b-bring me a (f-f/d)?« Husk nodded, walking away. (y/n) tapped with her fingers on the table, waiting patiently. Husk came back with a glass of (f/d). »Thank y-you.« She took the glass and looked at the (d/c) liquid. »So, where habe you been? Charlie and Vaggie were pretty worried.«

The girl noticed the worried undertone in the bartender's voice, but decided to not mind it too much. » I-I'm sorry. I just d-didn't felt all t-too well. Hope you didn't w-worried too m-much.« Husk rubbed his neck not looking into her eyes »It's alright. Just let us know somehow.«

(y/n) tilted her head »And how am I-I gonna do t-that?« »I don't know yet, but we'll find a way. You could come to me and tell me, for example. I would even take care of you, of course only if you want it.« He mumbled the last sentence, but rhe girl head it anyways.

Her eyes widen at realization hit her. Husk actually said that he would take care of her if she doesn't feel well. »Y-you would really t-take c-care of me?« Husk looked at her and a small blush appeared on his adorable, furry face.

»I-I did say that...« He replied drifting off looking away again »I-uh T-thanks...?« (y/n) stared at the glass with a bright blush on her face and inhaled deeply.»I would also take care of you if you would ever be not feeling well enough.«

Husk's eyes widened, the blush worsened and he looked at her »Y-you didn't even stuttered. Not even once.« He smiled at her proudly. »Yes, but now y-you do too.« The two demons chuckled enjoying the moment.

They smiled at eachother and (y/n) took a sip from her drink. Husk walked to her and sat down beside her. He rested his head on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist, making the demon girl blush even more.

She hesitantly lifted her hand to his head wanting to pat him. She scratched the bartenders ears, earning a purr from him. He leaned into her touch and she used her other hand to pat him.

He purred louder and snuggled closer to her, burying his face in her neck inhaling her scent. »We should do this more often.« Husk mumbled tightening his grip around her. (y/n) nodded her head in agreement.

Husk sat back straight up looking into her (e/c) eyes sighing. »I were worried for you too. I didn't know where you were or if you're even alright! I thought something bad happened to you.« He said taking her hands into his, intertwining their fingers.

»I didn't want that. I hoped you'd be alright and luckily you are. But don't scare me like that again!« He pouted slightly making the girl laugh at his cute face. She didn't even knew Husk could pout!

»I-I'm sorry, it will never h-happen again.« she smiled softly at him laying one hand on his head. He closed his eyes and purred again. »Who k-knew you could b-be so affectionate.« (y/n) laughed.

Husk narrowed his eyes but smiled slyly then. »Oh I can do more than that, sweetie.« He growled, cupped her face and smashed his lips on hers. Her eyes widened at the sudden kiss, it wasn't as rough as she expected but more soft and lovingly.

She kissed back putting her hands on his shoulders. He pulled back, both demon faces were redder than Alastor's suit and hair. »T-t-that was s-sudden.« (y/n) said catching her breath again.

Husk smiled again at her »I love you, (y/n).« She looked him into the eyes, embarrassed. »I-I love you too, l-little cat.«

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