Alastor X Fem. Tricky Fox Demon! Reader

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Requested by Meowadoodledoo

I apologize for not updating in a very long time. Also I'm sorry if I haven't answered any of your comments or requests.
If you want you can go back to your requests and write something under it so Wattpad messages me about it again. I doubt that I'll find it, if I search for it.
But I'll also probably gonna make another request page with a small update on Infos about the story book I intend to make in collaboration with another Author.

Now to the story.
Hope you enjoy~

(h/c) = hair color
(e/c) = eye color
(f/c) = fur color
(l/n) = last name

3rd pov.

»(Y/n)!« The fox demon runned away laughing loudly at her newest success. She sprayed whipping cream all over Angel Dust's face. He didn't wake up because of it so she got an air horn and woke him with it uncomfortably up.

Now he is chasing the sly and tricky female that is laughing at him from afar, he didn't even removed the cream from his face. She looked behind her at her friend, looking him in his eyes.

Distracted by the amusement in his different colored eyes (Y/n) tripped over her own long, fluffy and (f/c) tail and fell groaning to the ground. Angel stopped before he would fall over her and smirked in victory.

»So, you thought you could trick me, your own prank-brother, without payback? Oh no, hot stuff! Just you Wait until I get back at you!« (Y/n) stood up brushing dirt of her clothing with a large grin on her face.

»You low-ranked pranker want to trick me, the queen of all pranks? Hah! Good luck on that, buddy!« She hmpf'ed turning around and walking away, already thinking about all the pranks she could do to him just to crush his hopes of tricking her.


» Al!« The fox with (h/c) hair jumped on the Radio Demon, hugging his side while her (f/c) tail wagged around excitedly. His always-lasting grin became more gentle as his crimson red eyes found the (e/c) eyes of his beloved girlfriend.

He started to pat her head and scratched her fluffy ears. »Oh my, you look a bit exhausted, my love. Who did you prank this time?« Her eyes flashed to his with a glint of mischief in them while smirking.

»I tricked Angel and now he wants to take revenge! Isn't that hilarious? I bet he actually thinks he could do that! Many tried but all failed! How pitiful... very, very pitiful.« (y/n) let go of Alastor, standing straight with proud while she laughed.

The famous radio Demon chuckled. »Of course they did! You're not the best for no reason, darling!« She nodded. »Exactly!« The Fox's grin became a thankful smile. »Thanks for your support. You understand me the best, Al!«

She layed her head on his shoulder and he pulled her into an embrace. »Of course, love. No matter how often you trick me, I'll always support you.« She smiled at him lovingly. »That's one of the many reasons why I love you!«

He cocked his head to a side, raising a brow. »One of the many reasons? I would love to hear them all but I sadly gotta go back to work now, love.« She nodded understanding, pulled away and gave him a small peck on his lips.

»I'll see you later then, Al!« »Yes, see you later, my darling.« He said watching her run off full of joy while chuckling at his girlfriend's cuteness.

Meanwhile Vaggie was on a couch thinking of ways to improve the hotel, so more people will consider getting rehabilitated. She already heard her friend from afar, running towards her.

»Heya Vag!« (y/n) jumped over the couch and landed beside her. »Who did you trick now?« The fox looked innocently at her friend, pretending to be hurt. »I would never do something so evil! How cruel of you to accuss me to have done something like that!«

She dramatically put her left hand on her forehead and the other to her chest where her heart is.»How could you think so badly about your friend?« Vaggie rolled her eye but smiled at the fox.

»Oh, I don't know... maybe because you tricked literally everyone here?« (Y/n) removed her hand that was on her forehead and hid her mouth behind it, looking surprised. »Me? Tricking everyone here? I'm such a sweet and polite fox demon... I would never be capable of doing that, Vag.«

»Yeah, you would totally never be able to put spoiled milk instead of cheap booze inside Husk's bottles. Totally not. How could I ever think that?« The (h/c) haired female chuckled gleefully. »Yeah! I wonder who could have done something like that to our beloved Husk, who absolutely didn't deserve that!«

»Yep, especially not after calling you a ‹furry witch› for patting his head.« (Y/n)'s face darkened but her face held a wide, amused grin. »People with such bad insults must perish. He got what he deserved.« Vaggie raised an eyebrow.

»So you did prank him?« The female fox's face lightened up again and she put her hands up in a defeated manner. »I guess you got me, officer. But that's the only prank I ever did! But more importantly, tell me everything you know about Angel, fears, likes, hates the most, likes the most... you know?«

Vaggie shook her head, Sighing. »I have a very bad feeling about where this is going but I guess it won't hurt.«

»Hahaha! I destroyed the one thing he loves the most!« (Y/n) laughed villainous while her (f/c) tail wagged in happiness. Her lover, Alastor, looked curiously at her while he ate his venison. »What did you destroyed, darling? And who's this ›he‹ you are referring to? Angel Dust?«

She Finger gunned towards him. »Bingo, my deer!« The radio dmeon shook his head at the nickname she would use sometimes to tease him. »I destroyed what Angel loved the most... his special Angel Drugs! You will never see any machine that spits it out anymore! Oh, he'll be so devasted, having to get his high through something else!«

Alastor laughed at the thought of Angel Dust's sad face when he notices that he won't get his drugs. »I have to admit, that's quite evil but I think that he will put one and one together and figure out that that was your doing. How are you going to cover that up, love?«

She smiled, hugging him from behind. »That's your part, Al! You are my alibi.« »Hmm...« He put a clawed finger to his chin, looking like he's thinking about it. »Well, what's in for me, dear?« (Y/n) groaned in playful annoyance and rolled her (e/c) eyes at him.

»Of course you would want something in return... what do you want?« He shrugged his shoulders with a sly grin on his face. »Well, considering that I am one of your main prank victims... I don't wanna be tricked for a whole year!«

Her jaw dropped in disbelief. She barely could resist tricking him for a day and now he wants her to stop for a year! »Do we have a deal, dear?« Alastor extended his clawed hand to her, she shook it with a hesitant look in her eyes.

»Yes, I ,(y/n) (l/n), promise not to trick you.« »For a year, my love.« The fox gulped. »For a whole year.« She choked out almost fearful while he watched her with a satisfied smile, enjoying the thought of peace for a year.

She grumbled under her breath to herself but was secretly happy that Alastor will accompy her in tricking Angel Dust. »Haha! Now don't be so down, darling. Now that I won't be tricked by you we can spend more time with eachother!«

(Y/n)'s (f/c) eats peaked up in interest. »And what are you thinking about, Al?« He waved off. »Things.« The fox demon raised an eyebrow with a small blush tinting her face. »H-hey! At least tell me what I am in for!«

»No, I don't think so!« »Please, Al?!« »No.« She looked at her lover, pouting while closing her eyes with a ›hmpf‹ and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Without seeing anything, she didn't notice how Alastor leaned in towards her. »Now, now, my love. Don't be so rejecting! I promise that you will enjoy it.«

He whispered in her ea, making her shudder. She placed her hands on his shoulders while her face got more red. »Alastor!« He smiled down at her. »Yes, dear?« She sighed while snuggling up to him, burying her face in his neck. He layed his head on hers.

»I love you.« »I love you too, my darling.«

The next request is a
Baxter x OC
that's probably also gonna be published today.

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