All! Demon Boys X Charlie's Twin Sister! Reader

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Requested by Ruqayyahhh_101
Here ya go, hope you enjoy ^^

Charlie's pov.

„Well she'll go directly to the hotel, Charlie. Take good care of her.” I nodded at my father and left. I couldn't believe that my beloved elder twin sister by 7 seconds comes back to us! And I'm even allowed to take care of her and show her around! I'm so thrilled to see her again. I runned back to the hotel happily and excited. „Woah what's up with you?” said Vaggie after I entered the house „Vaggie! I got awesome news! My beloved elder twin sister comes here and I'm gonna be there for her!” I tell Vaggie while jumping around out of joy.

(y/n) pov.

I've just been told that I'm gonna go home to my sister and parents and can't be more happier! I haven't seen them since I was a child. The thought of them ran through my mind the whole time and I thought about how Charlie's been. I heard that I'm gonna stay with her at the rehabilitation hotel that she opened. She apparently wants to deal with the overpopulation  in hell by rehabilitating them.

I sighed falling on my bed thinking about all this. wanting the night to go over fast so I'll see them soon. I pulled the blanket over my body and closed my eyes.

The next morning

I woke up yawning even though I'm still tired I stand up, put some more professional clothes on for today and make some pancakes for breakfast. „I'll be picked up in an hour that's enough time to pack my things up.” I thought while chewing.

After I'm done with everything I hear a carriage with horses stop right in fornt of my house. I walked outside and was greeted by my grinning father. He stood up and walked to me „You've grown a lot, dearie.” we hugged eachother „Well we haven't seen each other for many years.” I reminded him smiling.

He motioned for me to get in the carriage and so I did. „I'll directly bring you to Charlie's hotel, dear.” I just hummed in response and closed my eyes.

After a while we arrived and hugged eachother again as farewell. I took a deep breath and knocked at the door. The door was swung open fast and a joyful Charlie greeted me „(y/n)! I've missed you! How you've been?!” I laughed at her happiness and she quickly pulled me inside. „I've been good Charlie, but what about you? How's your hotel?” „It's been go-” „Hey, what's with all this noise?” said guy who just came out of a different room.

He looked like a white and pink spider. „Oh, Charlie you never told me you knew hot girls.” he said winking at you, a small blush creeping to your face. „That's becau-” another two guys were coming out of nowhere one looked a bit grumpy and cat like with wings. The other one like a red and black deer dressed fancy. „Who's tha?” asked the grumpy cat „Don't be so rude Husker.” said the deer demon. „Don't Husker me!” the deer demon jist turned around and walked towards us. „Well as I wanted to explain. This is (y/n) my elder twin sister by seven seconds. (y/n) those are Angel Dust” she points to the flirty spider „Husk” the grumpy cat „and Alastor.” the deer demon- Alastor took my hand and shook it with a huge grin „It's a pleasure meeting you, darling.” „I agree. She's a piece of cake.” said Angel making you blush again. „Well it's good to see new faces.” said Husk shrugging his shoulders. „Its also nice meeting you all.” You said smiling at them when suddenly a girl runs in „Vaggie? What's wrong?” asked your sister the girl.„ Sir Pentious is outside!” Husk groaned in annoyance.

I just tilted my head in confusion. „Sir Pentious apparently is obsessed with me~“ said Angel with a smug grin. „Yeah as if.” Alastor rolled his eyes. „Well let's go out and check it.” said Husk still annoyed. As we all walked outside there floated a Zeppelin and a snake demon was visible at the huge glass in front of it „We meet again, Alastor!” Alastors grin widened
but he looked confused at the snake „I still don't know you.” he said laughing „What?! Why are yo-„ the demon stopped talking as he saw me.

He just awkwardly stood there and stared at me „Hey!? Could you stop staring at my Hottie?!” Angel shouted at Pentious who blushes madly now. „I-I'm Sorry? I d-didn't mean to stare?” he said but it sounded more like a question. Alastor and Husk stared at Angel now with mixed feelings, in Alastor's eyes is something like disbelief and anger maybe even a little jealousy? In Husk's however is only confusion and anger.

Husk shook his head and turned his interest in the snake who was still standing there awkwardly. „Don't you wanna go away, stupid idiot?” shouted Husk at him. He looked at Husk and just realized that he's standing there like a dork so he decides to go away. „finally.” groaned Vaggie. „I'm starving! How about (y/n) and I make some food for all of us?” said Alastor walking towards me. „Why only you and her?!” asks Husk angry while Angel glares at Alastor. „Because I can cook and (y/n) has to get comfortable here and get a tour.”
Husk huffs. „Fine! But I'll get to do the tour with her.” „Hey?! What about me?!” complains Angel „I want some quality time with the hottie too!”

„What did I just got myself into?” I thought to myself.

I'm probably gonna make a second part of this one.

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