Baxter X Scientist! Fem. Reader X Sir Pentious

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As you were alive you have studied a strange virus which you've also died to in the end. You've came so far with your studies and you've sacrificed so much for it.

In short you were devastated when you died. You even sacrificed people's lifes for it, which is also why you're in hell. Nonetheless you're dissatisfied with everything you did since then it's like a curse. Everything you study in hell or invent is not satisfying to you, not matter what you do or how hard you work.

As if god himself punished you for letting innocent people suffer, for beeing so selfish and your hunger for answers. This torturing punishment to never be satisfied with your work is making you insane.

One day when you were taking a walk on the streets of hell you heard an explosion errupt not so far away from where you were. You decided to find out what it was.

As you arrived you saw a pink and white weir spider like demon and a female demon with only one eye, fighting against a snake demon who looks very nervous. You closed your eyes and thought about what you could do. Not that it's your business but the snake looks like an inventor and there are some machines behind him even if they're destroyed they do look amazing.

›Maybe he could help me with my experiments...‹ you thought thinking about all the options you have to help him. You searched in your pocket remembering you once invented a smoke pistol.

You literally shoot thick smoke which should give you enough time to save the inventor. You took a deep breath and saw that the situation got worse for the snake and you had to act quickly. You rushed to them and stopped right in front of the snake pulling out the smoke gun and shot the smoke towards the two demons.

As you heard them coughing you grabbed the snakes wrist and run away with him towards a thing that looks like a rocket?
(Honestly I have no clue what it's called)

You two entered it and let to of him. The demon sbake looks flustered at you and thanked you. „Yeah, yeah how do you turn this thing on? We gotta go." he shakes his head finally realizing in what situation he is. He pushes some buttons and the thing starts to float.

„Ah! How rude of me! My name's Sir Pentious and I'am a-" „You're a inventor." you interrupted him and he just looked at you obviously puzzled. „You look like one so I guessed and your reaction shows me that I was indeed right." you grinned smugly at him showing that you're not just good looks.

He nods and asks you what you're occupation is „I'm a scientist, but I also invent random things sometimes. Like that smoke gun I used." „I saw it! It was amazing and the smoke was so thick and that you could barely see anything!" he almost shouted like a fangirl. You raised a brow at his cheerily behavior and he quickly tried to make a normal expression but failed miserably.

„Yeah... So where are we floating to?" you asked him and smoothly walked towards a window only to see some buildings. „We're floating to my mansion. Also I thought about inviting you for a dinner at my home as a thanks." he replied slightly blushing at the last sentence. You just shrugged your shoulders not minding to eat dinner with a complete stranger.

As the rocket (? If someone knows what to call it please tell me.)
landed in front of a huge mansion with two large doors which opens and another demon walked out towards us.

We left the thing and the demon who lookes kinda like an anglerfish stomps to Pentious not noticing me „Where were you?! I wanted to talk with you about a new invention but you weren't there! We are partners and I can't decide something without you, and I-!" he suddenly stopped and looked at me and then at Sir Pentious, then back at me.

„This is- Uh I- I don't know your name...?" Pentious awkwardly says though it sounds more like a question. „(y/n), my name's (y/n). I'm a scientist but I also invent things." The fish demon gets red in the face of embarrassment because he lectured Pentious in front of me.

„A-alright... I-I'm gonna go inside again." he said awkwardly and walked inside again. Pentious turned towards me „That was Baxter as you heard he's my partner. Though I never saw him that mad. He usually is calm and doesn't talk often, in short he's doesn't likes to socialize. Well let's go inside too." Pentious changed the subjekt and then rushed inside making me have to run after him.

Pentious showed me around and then ordered little weird eggs to make dinner. You two talked about inventions and you told him about your life before your dead and the virus you studied. He also told you about himself and Baxter, but mostly about himself.

As the egg bois told you that the dinner's ready Pentious sent them away to get Baxter.

On the dinning table stood a huge amount of various food. You two sat down and waited for the anglerfish demon to arrive.

You both didn't wait long but Baxter sill blushed and acted quite awkwardly. You and Pentious sat opposite of eachother and Baxter beside you.

While you ate you accidentally touched Pentious' tail and mumbled an apology to him and he said he wouldn't mind. As you tried to grab the salt beside you your and Baxter's hand touched and both of you quickly pulled away apologizing flustered.

When you all finally ate up which took quite a while because of all the awkward touches and the guys eating a lot you three put your dishes away and they walked you to the door. „Well it was a nice dinner. We could met sometime and talk about inventions if you want.” you said turning around looking at them. Pentious nodded his head seemingly very happy about that idea.

„Yes! That's a wonderful idea, (y/n).” Baxter said taking your hand and putting a light kiss on your forehand. Pentious gave him a deathly glare. You blushed and wanted to say something but didn't because your too dumbfounded from that kiss. You waved at them and rushed out thinking about all the things that kiss could've meant.

I'll probably make a part two of this where they'll interact with eachother more. Hope it was enjoyable.

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