Chapter Five:"Its a.... Date?"

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Y/n looked at her phone, and saw what contact name Regina had put.


Y/n looked down and smiled at the name while her and Aaron started skating home.

Once Y/n got home, she went to go shower as soon as she got inside the house. Aaron saw his cousin rushing around and started chuckling at her. He sat down on the couch and turned the TV on.

20 mins later...

Y/n came out with baggy jeans and a baggy hoodie. "You're watching f/s (favorite show) without me?!? Scoot over!" Y/n shouted as she plopped her body on the couch. Aaron looked at her confused, "You have a date with Regina, remember? You should head out and wait for her!" Aaron told Y/n. "I texted her to pick me up already. Wait... It's a.... Date?" Y/n asks with wide eyes. Aaron looked at her with surprise. "I thought it was obvious! She's always checking you out and now she's asking you to hang with her!" Aaron says like it's obvious. "I thought it was just gonna be a hangout thing... I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS A DATE! SHOULDNT I BE BETTER DRESSED THAN THIS?!?" Y/n yells panicking. Aaron tried to calm her down but then there was a car honk from outside.... "Fuck...." Y/n said as she tidied herself up, opened the front door, and exited. "Bye Aaron." Y/n said as she walked out the door. "Have fun kids! Bring her back before 12!" Aaron says and Y/n flips him off which makes him laugh.

"Hey Regina." Y/n says as she gets in the car, "Hey Y/n! You look great." Regina says as she looks at Y/n up and down. Y/n clears her throat and asks, "sooo..... where are we going?" Regina replies with a simple answer. "My house to hang out and get to know each other." And ends the sentence with a wink. Y/n couldnt help but blush at regina winking at her but then gained the courage to play it cool. "Oh word? Bet". Regina put on some music, and 'Blah Blah Blah' by Ke$ha started playing. "OMG I LOVE THIS SONG!" Regina squeals as Y/n admires how cute Regina looked and sounded while singing along to the song. Regina looked at Y/n seductively and stared at her while singing.

Badda-da-dah, badda-da-bah-bah

Coming outcha mouth withcha blah, blah, blah

Zip your lip like a padlock

She sings while looking at Y/n up and down.

And meet me in the back with the Jack at the jukebox

I don't really care where you live at

Just turn around boy, let me hit that

Don't be a little bitch with your chit chat

Just show me where your dick's at

Y/n felt some type of way because of how Regina stared at her, she couldn't explain it but it made her heart go fast. Soon enough, they reached Regina's home, and before Regina even touched the door to her house, her mom opened it. "Hey Regina! Oh! Who's this?" Mrs George said while smiling. Regina was gonna reply but Y/n interrupted, "Oh, uh well.. I'm Y/n Samuel-" "Samuels?!? Like Aaron Samuels?" Mrs George interrupts. "Uhh yeah... I'm his cousin...." Y/n replies awkwardly. Mrs George looks at Regina and winks at her. "Ok! That's enough, let's go Y/n". Regina says trying to cover her red face while dragging Y/n upstairs into her room.

To be continued....

Sorry if the endings kinda weird I just wanted to give you guys a chapter. Next chapter maybe on Thursday!

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