What the hell?

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It was a normal day in Japan. The sun was shining with clear skies and warm weather. It was mid spring and the cherry blossoms were blooming soon. Students were coming back from spring break.

Virgil was walking to school holding onto his backpack by the hang strap, slung over his shoulder. He was wearing a baggy dress shirt, a tie, and black jeans with black Chelsea boots. He hated wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform. That's why he never wore the blazer or the pants. He got a few write ups for it but the staff gave up after the 20th time.

His tie hung loosely around his neck and the top button of his shirt was unbuttoned revealing neck tattoos of a dragon. Well the tattoo already reached the left side of his neck already, he knew the student council and the board would definitely not like him having tattoos but, who cares.

He saw that he was a block away from school and hung his head a bit low, looking down. God he hated this school, most of the guys were perverts, there were an except few that he could count on one hand that weren't, he was one of them.

That didn't do much for his popularity, he had a reputation for being a loner, and everyone avoided him, he was tall, and was covered in tattoos. If anyone saw him on the street, they would think he was a gangster.

It used to be an all girls academy until a few years ago. Virgil didn't even need to apply, he got the decision in the mail, just like that. He was always suspicious of how and why he was invited to attend a school like this, but all his other applications were rejected so he was left with no other choice.

He was already ahead of everyone in his class so he would always either fall asleep in class or be lazy.

He began to notice how everyone in the school would flock over the most physically attractive people. Kiba for instance, he was known as the prince of Kuoh, he was blonde, fit, nice guy, all the girls and a few guys wanted his attention. But Kiba would always play it off and never hurt anyone's feelings. The perverts in the school would always be jealous of him.

And then there were the 2 beauty queens of the school, Rias and Akeno. It was like they owned the school, everyone would practically worship them. Everyone would stop and stare as they would walk the halls, and whisper.

Virgil understood why the other kids would do it, but it was a bit much. They're still just people. But they seemed so supernatural. It was like their beauty wasn't human, but Virgil couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Virgil was shaken out of his thoughts when arrived at the school gate. Suddenly, he bumped into someone and they fell backwards.

He stopped where he was, leaned down, and offered a hand. "Hey, sorry for-" he stopped talking because he saw who he bumped into. It was Rias Gremory. One of the beauty queens.

She was staring at him with her gorgeous aquamarine eyes for a moment before she gently took his hand. Virgil pulled her up and couldn't take his eyes off her.

"You know, it's rude to stare." Rias said, while tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Oh, uhm, sorry, I uh, kinda got star struck there for a sec." Virgil stammered out. And as soon as he said that he clamped his hand over his mouth while dropping his bag, because he was still holding hands with Rias.

A slight pink tinge spread across his face and the same happened for Rias because she looked away blushing. He took his hand away from his face and tried to speak.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't uh-" Virgil stopped talking because Rias put a finger to his lips.

"Are you always this articulate when you talk?" she said sultrily.

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