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"Wake the fuck up Virgil."

As Virgil opened his eyes, he found himself in a surreal landscape. The ground beneath him was covered in an endless field of black grass, stretching out as far as his eyes could see. The absence of any discernible landmarks or features gave the scene an otherworldly quality.

Confused, Virgil sat up and looked around, attempting to make sense of his surroundings and trying to find the voice that spoke to him. The air was still, and an eerie silence enveloped the dark expanse. Before he could ponder his situation further, a shadowy ball of mist began to swirl around him, coalescing into a distinct form in front of Virgil.

"What... What is this place. What are you?" Virgil asked, his voice echoing in the emptiness.

The mist chuckled in an almost amused manner before taking on a more defined shape. It hovered in front of Virgil, resembling a swirling, shadowy figure. Virgil couldn't discern any distinct features, just an ethereal presence.

The mist spoke, its voice echoing like distant whispers. "I'm your worst fucking nightmare kiddo."

Virgil furrowed his brow, his confusion deepening. "Am I dead? What are you talking about?"

The mist chuckled again, "Nah I'm just messing with you, the name's Apollyon and this is a mindscape. You remember what happened didn't you?"

Virgil rubbed his head and nodded slowly. "Yeah, I got stabbed in the stomach, again. This time it wasn't a light spear."

Apollyon chortled, "You're funny kid, thought you'd be freaking the fuck out by now."

"I mean the past 3 days haven't exactly been quote on quote normal for me per se, kinda got used to finding out weird shit." Virgil replied solemnly.

"You got shit luck, I'll tell you that much"

"Do you have to curse in every sentence? We maybe just met around a minute go and you let off 4 of them already."

"Shut up kid, I'll talk how I want to, and you just cursed in the last sentence you hypocrite." if Apollyon could roll his eyes he would've.

"Jeez, lighten up." Virgil huffed annoyingly.

"If I could flip you off, I would've." Apollyon said with a tinge of irritation.

"Big whoop, okay, so what are you, you told me your name, but that doesn't explain why you're made of smoke." Virgil asked.

Apollyon sighed, "always gotta jump straight to the point don't you? Alright, what do you know about Sacred Gears?

"Sacred Gears? Not much really, I know Issei has one, think a twice critical? I know they're powerful, but that's about it." Virgil questioned.

The mist shuffled, "Well, you kinda got it. A Sacred Gear is an artifact of power that was bestowed upon humanity by God."

"Huh? God? The guy upstairs? The big G? Jesus's dad?" Virgil started firing off questions.

"Yes, yes, yes, and yes, there is only one God. He wanted to make "miracles" happen that's why he created Sacred Gears. You know those heroes of legend, Perseus, Achilles, King Arthur, they all had Sacred Gears, that's why their stories hold them to such high regard." Apollyon explained.

Virgil had a serious look in his eyes when he heard that.

"So," he began, "what does that have to do with me? Why am I here?"

Apollyon laughed, a sound that seemed to dance on the edge of malevolence. "Well why else would you be here kid, you have a Sacred Gear. And it's me."

"You're a Sacred Gear? But I thought you said that they're artifacts, you're not an artifact, you can talk." Virgil stated.

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