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The soft morning light filtered through the curtains as Virgil slowly woke up. He realized that Rias was still lying on him, sleeping peacefully. He couldn't help but admire how pretty she looked in the gentle sunlight.

'Wow,' he thought to himself, 'she's really beautiful.'

As if sensing his gaze, Rias stirred and blinked a few times, rubbing her eyes. She looked over at Virgil, and for a moment, their eyes locked. Their hearts started racing in the quiet of the morning and they felt their cheeks heating up.

Rias, realizing she was still lying on Virgil, sat up slowly. "Good morning," she greeted with a shy smile.

"Morning," Virgil replied, returning the smile. "Sleep well?"

Rias nodded, "Very much so, like I said, you are very comfortable."

Virgil chuckled, "Glad to hear that."

She got off the bed and wrapped herself in the duvet. Usually she wouldn't, but something about Virgil made her feel shy.

Virgil tapped her shoulder. "Here," he said, "I know you folded these before you jumped on me, but you should get dressed." He was looking away from her.

Rias, walked over to where Virgil was standing. "Such a gentleman," she teased with a sultry tone, trying to get him to look at her.

Virgil, determined to maintain his politeness, kept his eyes closed. "Come on, Rias. I'm trying to be respectful here."

She grabbed her breasts and lifted them slightly and struck a sexy pose. "Come on big boy, you can take a peek. Don't be shy."

Flustered, Virgil replied, "I saw plenty already, now can you please get dressed."

She chuckled, "You're no fun, Virgil." Nevertheless, she took her clothes and began to put them on.

When Virgil stopped hearing shuffling, he peeked one eye open, ensuring she was dressed. "Thank you." he quipped.

Rias pouted playfully. "You're too proper, Virgil. I was just having some fun."

He opened both eyes, "Well, some of us are still a bit old-fashioned about these things."

Rias laughed, "Fair enough. You're quite the gentleman."

Virgil blushed, "Uh, thanks. I try my best."

With a playful grin, Rias stepped closer, "You know you can always look, I'll even let you touch."

Virgil turned around, more red than before, "I-I uh, can we change the subject please?"

Rias winked, "You are so cute."

Virgil blushed, "You're cute too you know."

Rias wasn't expecting that response so she started playing with her hair.

They shared a bit of awkward silence. But Virgil couldn't help but notice the lingering scent of honey, berries, and lavender that enveloped Rias. It was intoxicating, and he found himself taking a subtle breath.

"You still smell amazing," he commented, unable to resist the observation.

Rias smirked, "Well, thank you. I do try to make a good impression."

Virgil raised an eyebrow, "Even in the morning?"

She chuckled, "Especially in the morning. A devil must always be presentable."

Virgil shook his head in mock disbelief, "You're something else, Rias."

With a graceful twirl, Rias made her way to the bathroom, "I guess I'm special hehe"

Destruction (Rias X OC)Where stories live. Discover now