Wait, what?

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Virgil's cheeks were still tinged with a lingering blush as he and Rias started the process of putting on their clothes. The awkwardness hung in the air, exacerbated by Rias' playful teasing, which continued even as they reached for their garments.

"Do you need a minute Virgil? You look like you haven't seen a naked woman before," Rias teased, her tone dripping with amusement.

Virgil, fumbling with his shirt, shot her an exasperated look. "Can we please focus on more important things right now?"

Rias chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Oh, but I thought the art of distraction was a crucial skill to learn."

Virgil couldn't help but shake his head, his embarrassment transforming into a mixture of frustration and amusement. "Just... let's get dressed and talk."

As they finally managed to put on their clothes, Virgil took a deep breath, attempting to regain his composure. He gestured towards the couch, suggesting they sit down and continue their discussion.

"Now, can you please explain what is happening?" Virgil asked, attempting to steer the conversation.

Rias took a seat, her expression transitioning into one of seriousness. "Alright, firstly, I want to talk about Evil Pieces."

"Evil Pieces?" Virgil echoed, taking a seat opposite her.

Rias nodded, "Yes, Evil Pieces are crucial in the devil hierarchy. They're used to create and strengthen a peerage, a team of devils. Each piece represents a different role – Pawn, Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, and King. The process involves a devil investing their magical power into a piece, usually bestowed upon humans with potential."

Virgil raised an eyebrow, "So, it's like some supernatural chess game?"

Rias smiled, "In a way, yes. It's a strategic system that allows devils to bolster their ranks and build powerful alliances. Now, about you, Virgil. When I first saw you, I sensed significant potential. I decided to use an Evil Piece on you, intending to make you part of my peerage."

Virgil's eyes widened, "Wait, you were going to turn me into one of those chess pieces?"

Rias nodded, "Yes, precisely. However, something unexpected happened. The Evil Piece was rejected."

"Rejected? What does that mean?" Virgil asked, perplexed.

Rias took a moment, her gaze steady. "It means you were already a devil."

Virgil stared at her, a mixture of shock and confusion clouding his features. "Wait, I'm a devil? How is that possible? I mean, I'm just a regular guy."

Rias sighed, "That's where it gets complicated. Devils often awaken their powers under specific circumstances. In your case, it seems you had latent devil potential that got activated when you were attacked by Dohnaseek. The rejection of the Evil Piece indicates you already had a place in the supernatural hierarchy."

Virgil ran a hand through his hair, a sense of disbelief settling in. "This is a lot to take in. I never signed up for any of this devil stuff."

Rias reached across the table, placing a hand on Virgil's. "I understand it's overwhelming, Virgil. Discovering your devilhood wasn't something you expected, and it changes everything. But you're not alone in this. I'm here to help you navigate the complexities of our world."

Virgil looked down, the weight of the revelation sinking in. "I don't even know where to begin. What does being a devil even mean for me?"

Rias leaned back, considering her words carefully. "Being a devil means you have incredible potential for magical power. You'll learn to harness and control these abilities over time. You'll also be part of the intricate social structure of devils, with your role and responsibilities evolving as you grow stronger."

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