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Issei turned to see what that light was, and to his surprise it was the ORC club. Everyone showed up, even Virgil.

Without a moments hesitation, Kiba jumped right into the action and crossed swords with Freed.

Freed started cackling, "HAHA! More Devils in the house of God, you will all suffer divine punishment!"

Electricity crackled at the tips of Akeno's fingertips, "Ara ara, what a bold claim."

Freed looked over at her and began to drink her appearance into his eyes. "For a devil, you have one delicious body, I think I'll have some fun with you first."

Akeno licked her lips, "My my, what a naughty priest you are, perhaps I might have to punish you."

Before Freed could retort, he saw that his light sword was losing its glow. "What?! How is my light sword losing power?" he yelled.

Kiba smirked, "My sword is called the Holy Eraser, it absorbs all light, rendering your weapon useless."

Freed looked over at the others and used brute force to push Kiba back a bit, before aiming at Rias and firing off 3 shots from his gun.

A wall of shadows erupted from the floor, blocking the bullets from their target. Everyone glanced at Virgil who simply had his hands in his pockets.

Koneko took this opportunity to grab Issei and drag him back to safety.

"Koneko! Lemme go!! I have to save Asia!!"

Asia was in the corner, tears in her eyes, looking right at Issei, begging him for help.

Koneko shook her head, "No can do, Rias' orders. We gotta get back, the little pervy priest called in reinforcements."

"What? But she's right there, just let me grab her!" Issei protested.

Ignoring his pleas, Koneko plopped him right in the middle of the magic circle.

"Kiba! Retreat! Now!" Rias ordered.

"Yes president!"

Kiba kicked Freed away which caused the latter to fall onto some church benches. Using this distraction, Kiba leapt back into the circle and Rias whisked them all back into the ORC room.

Once everyone got back Issei stood up with some difficulty, and started yelling at everyone.

"What the fuck was that? Why didn't you let me save her?! She was right there, one of you could have saved her! You are all unbeliev-"

He was cut off by an abrupt slap from Rias.

The echo of Rias's slap reverberated through the tense atmosphere of the ORC room, leaving an uneasy silence from everyone else. Issei stood frozen, his cheek tingling from the impact, his gaze shifting from Rias's stern expression to the floor beneath his feet. His mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions – hurt, confusion, and a simmering anger.

"Why did you do that?" Issei's voice trembled slightly as he finally found the courage to speak, his eyes brimming with a mixture of hurt and defiance.

Rias, her expression a mask of frustration and concern, met his gaze with unwavering determination. "Because you disobeyed a direct order from me, Issei," she replied, her voice firm but tinged with regret. "You put yourself at risk by acting impulsively. You could have been hurt or killed."

Destruction (Rias X OC)Where stories live. Discover now