You don't realize how fast life goes by... it feels like yesterday that I graduated high school. That was 3 years ago... everyone in my life, including myself, is growing up.
I didn't realize that being single was really a privilege. Don't get me wrong, I love being in a relationship. But it's so different. You don't have to spend money on someone else. You have a lot of free time to do your own things. Hang out with friends and focus on your own life and goals. Always finding a new crush to talk about with friends every time we hang out. Getting butterflies when I see the guy I like and being so nervous I have no idea what to say. Asking my friends what to say to him because I am afraid I am going to say something wrong. My heart racing fast that I get dizzy. Or stuttering my words when I talk because he makes me nervous. Stalking on his social media and stare at his cute face and imagine our life together....
All those things when you're single I'm kinda gonna miss... what I won't miss will be guys not having the balls to tell you
"I don't have feelings for you we can stay as friends"
Honestly I would much rather be rejected than being stringed into the silly game. If they like me or not. While it is fun for a bit. It gets tiring.
Or making out with guys knowing that they have madeout with 3+ other girls and you are just another option or "go to" when they are bored. I hated that. So much. Feeling that you are used. The feeling that you want more than what we had but they have commitment issues or "I am not looking for anything but I want to makeout with you"
Or you have guys that are not mature... or "bad planners" or just waste your time and leave you stranded at a restaurant because they didn't bother to tell you "I don't want to hangout with you or be serious"
THAT I know I don't miss. I think that is why I was being so frustrated with my love life. I wanted a man who is there for me. Love and care for me. Not be an option or use me.
I am glad to be in a relationship and say to people
"I have a boyfriend" 🤭
It still weird for me to say that. I always feel like I am bragging ... but I kinda do want to brag. I want to tell everyone
"I have the most amazing boyfriend ever!!!!"
Being in a relationship is something that they don't really teach how to do. Just like kissing. You just gotta go in for it and try it for yourself. Everyone is going to have a different experience. Now, having a boyfriend there are things that I have LOVED...
You get to go on cute and fun dates. You will get butterflies when you see him. You feel safe and secure with him. You see the real him and experience life together.