᪥𝒑𝒂𝒉𝒕 2᪥

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𝑩𝒆𝒊 𝑯𝒆'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ☾︎☁︎

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𝑩𝒆𝒊 𝑯𝒆'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ☾︎☁︎

Aang tries to talk the Zhao person out of literally causing imbalance to the waterbenders and the world.

I hug Yue and I'm already crying at this point. Another old guy wearing fire nation attire enters the Oasis and seems to be defending Aang.

"Let it go now!", he shouts. Still hugging Yue, I watches as he lets go of the Moon Spirit back into the pond.

I breathe a sigh of relief. But that relief was cut short, as he slashes fire onto the Moon Spirit. I shout and watch in horror as every colour fades to monochrome.

I cry into Yue's shoulder and watch as the old guy picks up the now dead Moon Spirit in his hands. "There's no hope now. It's over" Yue says, depressed.

"No, its not over", Aang said seemingly with different voices. He steps into the pond and goes into his avatar state and suddenly sinks into the water.

Suddenly, pond starts glowing and the Ocean Spirit emerged from the waters. Iroh places the Moon Spirit in the water.

"Its over, its dead", Katara said as it laid motionless in the water. "You have been touched by the Moon Spirit, some of its life is inside of you".

"She won't do it", I said almost immediatly holding her hand in a tight grip. "Bee..." she drifts off.

"Yue, I'm not letting you do this. I'm not letting you give your life away for this", I said holding her.

"It's my duty, Bee. I have to do this", she tugs herself out of my grip. "I won't let you do it either", Sokka said determined.

"Your father told me to protect you". "He did. But now it is time I protect everyone" she said slipping her hand from his.

She put her hands on the Moon Spirit and transfered her life back into it. She faints and her body falls to the floor.

I catch her body before it does and cry. "YUE!", I sob. "Yue, I'm sorry that I couldn't understand why you would want to help everyone, why couldn't you just be selfish for once", I continued.

"I was serious about wanting to live on the beach with you away from all the bloody politics where we could do whatever we want without father telling us about how improper we were being", I sniffled.

"I wanted us to like whomever we wanted, be whereever we wanted, be whoever we wanted to be. You were my everything, Yue. My best friend, my sister and my soulmate" I cried.

"It's not fair. Its not fair!", I shouted and screamed, thunder souding in the distance. Sokka pulled me away from Yue and engulfed me in a hug.

"She's gone, Bee". I sobbed uncontrollably. Suddenly, her body disappeared and the Moon Spirit was alive again.

Maybe, it was my imagination. Maybe, it was grief. But that night, me and Sokka saw Yue floating above the pond.

"I love you, Bee and Sokka. I'll always be with you". The Moon shone brightly again but ever since that day I couldn't look at it.

I get up abruptly. "Where are you going, Bee?", Katara asked in a concerned tone.
"I'm going to kill Zhao", I said in an icy tone.


As I get closer to the capital, I hear the sound of grunting and flames wooshing. "This is my fight, flame boy", I grab his shirt and pull him behind me.

"To what do I owe this fight to, princess?", he smirked. "You killed my sister", I seethed summoning the lightning from the air.

"An eye for an eye", my eyes teary. I shot him with lightning but he blocks it. I shoot him again and again until his defenses weakened and I shot him right in the heart.

He seizes while clutching his heart and falls over the bridge into the deep depths of the water.

I sink to the ground breathing hard. I turn around to see Zuko still standing behind me looking at me with awe.

"You should go before they catch you", I say tears escaping my eyes.

Without wasting a second, he runs away and I watch him. Suddenly, rain came crashing down onto my face.

And it was a stormy night, once again. Like the beginning.


Ever since that day, there were storms every day. The rain was constantly pouring and I never genuinely smiled.

After the Fire Nation's attack, the North Pole had suffered great damages. Me and my father watched the sunrise as best as we could.

His arm was around me. "I had always knew this would happen". My brows furrowed. "What?".

"She was destined to do the greatest for her people", he said. "Again with his destiny crap. Why do people believe this sort of stuff was meant to happen?" I stand up.

"It's just something people make up to get over the loss of something important to them", I shout in anger.

A lighting bolt came crashing down on the ground behind me making my father flinch.

He grabs me into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry, Bee. I failed you. I put you and your sister into a marriage knowing there would be a chance you will be unhappy", he said.

"I've casted you out ever since the incident with your mother and I should have not taken it out on you and casted you out. I'm a terrible father", he started sobbing.

A few stray tears escaped my eyes as well and I hug him back. "I'm sorry too, father", my voice cracking.


After the heart to heart with my father, I regrouped with Katara and Aang. To go on our incredible soon to be adventures as Team Avatar.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Bee?". "Don't worry, father. I will write to you every week to tell you I am in the pinkest of health".

He hugs me and kisses my forehead. "I'm sure you will be fine. Just, keep yourself healthy and safe, okay?", he asked smoothing out my clothes.

"Sokka, I trust that you will keep this daughter safe", he says a bit too soon and I give him a look.

Despite the slight dig at him, he smiled and nodded. The four of us sail off into the sunset.

A/N i feel like this was too short but im watching the live action rn 😫

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A/N i feel like this was too short but im watching the live action rn 😫

𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒊𝒏 | 𝒛𝒖𝒌𝒐 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 (𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 1)Where stories live. Discover now