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𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 cats and dogs outside. Sadly, it's dark outside, so Y/n can't see just how bad it is and can only use the rapid sound of pitter-patters to give her some idea. Fortunately for her, didn't have anything planned today since it was just a Saturday. She was going to spend the day relaxing around her house—she watched cartoons for the vast majority of the day but as soon as she grew bored of this, Y/n went back upstairs where she went to the little library in the corner of her bedroom and picked up a book that she has yet to start.

Once she retrieved it, she fell onto her bed, turned on the lamp on her bedside table, and began reading to her heart's content. It was only when a bright flash from outside made Y/n to be torn from her activity. As soon as she realized what it was, Y/n began counting. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.


The h/c-haired woman flinched slightly under her covers at the thunder that followed, but at least she knew that the storm was about a mile away. Not really a pleasant thought, now that she thinks about it. Y/n— though an anxious bubble formed in her stomach and she felt like there was a lump in her throat— slowly returned to her book in hopes that it would get her mind off of the storm outside.

Spoil alert: it didn't.

After a few minutes, the room plunged into darkness as the lights flickered and went out causing Y/n to tense up like a frightened goat. While it's embarrassing to admit at her grown age, she's scared of the dark or rather what lurked in it. Y/n has quite a colorful imagination and if she stays in the dark longer than she needs to, she'll end up scaring herself half to death with her mind.

"Fuck..." Panicking, Y/n set her book down, her hands fumbling through the darkness to find her phone. The longer it took to find the device, the more she became antsy and stressed. She was hyperventilating a little bit and her heart felt heavy. Soon though, Y/n was able to locate her phone and as soon as she felt it, she picked it up and dialed Jacob's number. It rang for a few seconds before, finally, the blond answered the call.


"Jacob..." she whispered.

"Howdy, Y/n!" He sounds to be in much better spirits than her. "Quite the storm, ain't it?" Jacob asked. It's been a while since Texas has gotten this much rain. It was nice. Though, he could do without the wind.

"Can you please come over?" Y/n asked, not wanting to beat around the bush. She didn't want to be alone and Jacob is a tech-savvy person, isn't there something he could do to help the whole lights situation? She hoped that was the case because she didn't know how long she could stay in the dark.

Jacob paused. "Are you alright?" He questioned, his demeanor doing a complete 180 from that of a chipper one to a stern one.

"Can you just... come over?" Y/n repeated, this time much slower than last time. She sniffled as she awkwardly shifted around her mattress. After a moment of silence, she continued, saying, "I need help."

"Okay." Jacob ended the call without uttering another word.

Almost instantly, a loud banging echoed through her quiet house. With a racing heart, she stumbled out of her room, narrowly avoiding a tumble down the stairs. As she reached the front door, the wind howled, and she struggled to open it. Just a crack at first, but the forceful gusts seized the opportunity, flinging the door wide open and causing it to slam aggressively against the nearest wall.

Y/n shivered as the cool night air raced inside her once-warm house.

There, on her doorstep, stood Jacob with wide eyes, a concerned expression etched across his face. In one hand, he clutched a flashlight, its beam cutting through the darkness. Y/n, her nerves still jittery, managed a shaky smile. "Hi..." she stepped aside to allow Jacob to come inside before shutting and locking the door behind him, though it took her a moment since she had to fight back against the wind.

✓  𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐀𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now