A Yandere! Reader Being In Love With Jacob Would Include...

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• You know how Love and Joe from You and they're stalkers who are obsessed with each other? Well, you and Jacob do it better. And healthier.

• Jacob and you first met in Junior year in high school but he didn't fall in love with you until a few years later you already graduated when you two bumped into each other one day and as luck would have it, you were his new neighbor! He had completely just how kind, understanding, and just an overall delight to be around. You were as pretty as a peach and as sweet as cherry pie in his eyes!
- If you want to dive into specifics about when he fell in love with you, it was when you accidentally fell asleep over at his house after Jacob invited you over dinner, his way of welcoming you to the neighborhood. Though you were a bit hesitant, you weren't about to pass up free food and it wasn't like Jacob was a complete stranger to you. When you awoke from your slumber, your eyes were squinted and your hair was messy, that... that was the sight that made Jacob fall head over heels for you. You were just so precious, even if you were a bit cranky because it was about 3 in the morning.

• As for you, you fell in love with Jacob way earlier than he did. You began developing feelings for him during the last year of high school but because his undivided attention was glued to Sarah, you were in no position to make a move, much less try and weave between them, even though you knew Sarah saw Jacob as a friend. Nothing more. You didn't want to be in second place, so you waited. And waited. And waited. Until you just couldn't do it anymore!
- After much, much scouring on the internet (you paid someone off), you were thankfully able to find out the neighborhood that he currently resides in and luckily for you, there was a house for the taking just a few houses down from his. What luck!

• Though, you falling asleep over at his house that one night was purely accidental. You were just tired.

• You and Jacob had absolutely no idea you were crazy for each other since you and him were too preoccupied with your own shenanigans, more so on not getting caught because it was tedious work, doing all the things you two were doing. Stealing items of clothes, him taking photos of you, both of you 'accidentally' bumping into one another in public, you religiously dropping by his work, one of you sneaking into the other's house, etc.

• You didn't want to have a room that was dedicated to be a shrine of your muse. You wanted to keep your little trinkets and items hidden away, secret and for safekeeping. You, unlike Jacob, get a lot of visitors— like friends and family— and whenever they do come over, some like to spend the night and the slightest chance of a person finding out your obsessive tendencies was enough to send a shiver down your spine. That's exactly why you keep everything under your bed, stashed away in the furthest and darkest corner before placing a few things in front of it to hide it even more.

• You also know that your secret admirer who has been sending you poems about their love for you is Jacob. It's so obvious that it's him, especially with all the fish doodles that were littered on them. Just how dense did he think you were? Regardless of the answer, you found his little love notes adorable and you hold them dear to your heart. You stashed a few of them in the mass collection of items you have but you did keep a couple out and keep them on your desk for easy access to reread multiple times a day. Oh, how they make your heart melt! As soon as you got the first letter, you wanted nothing more than you knock on Jacob's door and give him a big ol' kiss. But you knew you couldn't... it would make things weird. So, instead, you lay awake in unrequited agony.

• Or so you thought but it wasn't until one night when Jacob recommended you watch a movie at his place that you had a sneaking feeling that he was hiding something. Everything was fine to begin with, you came over wearing your favorite pajamas and before the movie started, you and Jacob were rummaging through his pantry, looking for the good snacks until you suddenly huffed, slamming a cupboard shut. "My sister is driving me insane. She borrowed my favorite dress and ruined it, and now she's pretending it was already like that." You groaned. You still had no idea why you decided to complain about your personal life right then and there, maybe it was just because you loved Jacob so much and wanted to hear his side of things, which is more often than not aligned with your perspective which just makes you all the more crazy about him.
- Jacob then chimed in, "Oh, the black one with the lace trim? That's your favorite, right?" He questioned.
- This caused you to stop mid-reach for a box of chocolates, turning slowly to face him. "How'd you know that?"
- Jacob's eyes widen, and he feels his face heat up. "Uh..." He clears his throat, the silence stretching awkwardly. "It's just common sense," he says, his laugh forced and unnatural. "I-I mean..." he started once more, the redness of his face deepening as he rested a hand on his neck. "Didn't you wear it when you went out dancing?"

• You weren't convinced. Not in the slightest. Whenever you dress in something nice, you make it your very duty to know what outfit you are wearing because it is vital information you know what Jacob likes, even more so seeing him all flustered. It's cute. The dress that he had mentioned was one you had yet to wear because it was supposed to be a surprise for Jacob in the event he were to ask you out... so... how did he know about it? You know for certain you didn't mention it to him and you sure as hell didn't tell your friends about it, knowing that they'd blabber to Jacob about it.

• That's when your suspicions start to arise about Jacob and so, you keep a closer eye on the blond and slowly realize that Jacob's behavior goes beyond normal friendship. First, you took notice of how Jacob consistently knows intricate details about your life that you never shared with him, such as her favorite foods, your daily schedule, and personal grievances. Then, you became more aware of the items that have gone missing within the past few months. Not to mention his home visits... Jacob, like clockwork, would appear at your doorstep with your package in hand whenever you would order something. He would also show up at your door with the excuse of "just checking in" or bringing your favorite snacks. He seems to know whenever you're alone and vulnerable.

• Your heart raced with excitement at the idea of Jacob being as obsessed with you as you are with him. The thought thrilled you, making your actions feel reciprocated and justified. When you first came to this revelation, you squealed loudly, beaming from ear to ear with the possibility that Jacob might share your intense feelings. However, your cheering soon died down as a more serious thought crossed your mind. To truly confirm this, you needed concrete proof. There was only one way to know for certain: you had to snoop around his house.

• That night, you slipped into Jacob's house where you meticulously checked every room, searching for any sign that confirmed Jacob may be stalking you. Frustration gnawed at you as each room came up empty. Finally, you soon stood before the last door: his bedroom. Taking a deep breath, you slowly and carefully opened the door. Your breath hitched in her throat as the sight before you unfolded. Photos of you were plastered everywhere, capturing you in moments that you couldn't even remember. You felt both anxious and elated upon seeing the sight but regardless of how you felt, you stepped inside and your eyes were drawn to a corner where a collection of your belongings lay: a missing bracelet, a book you thought you had lost, even a hairpin you hadn't seen in weeks. You covered your mouth, trying to stifle the sound of your breath, not wanting to wake Jacob. You picked up the items one by one, examining them closer.

• Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed both of your wrists, slamming you against the wall, your hands pinned above your head. You gasped, looking up to see Jacob's furious face inches from hers. "Whatcha got there, darlin'?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

• Ah, shit...

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

A/n: Geez, I haven't updated this book in a while. I am very sorry! I am doing my best to juggle my writing with work, my main priority is updating my Jacob Alden x Reader book though since it's been a long, long, time since I published a new chapter. I just figured this one deserves an update too! ☺️

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