Jacob Dating a Metal/Alt Significant Other Headcanons (Requested)

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• When you first moved into the neighborhood, it was your outfit and general aesthetic that piqued his interest. As much of a shock this may sound, he hasn't seen a lot of people like you. Jacob wanted to get to know you better but didn't know how to approach you. He feared that if he struck up a conversation about one of the bands you liked, he'd stutter so badly that he would make a fool of himself.
- Luckily, this wasn't the case. But it did take a while before Jacob could have an actual conversation with you. It's when you unknowingly came into his work looking for something and you were wearing a Bewitched Blood t-shirt and he complimented it, prompting a nice talk between you two that lasted roughly around 10 minutes... yes, Jacob timed it. Don't judge him! This is a monumental part of what blossomed into a beautiful friendship and Jacob is happy that led to something more.

• You're polite, even if you have a bold and loud personality. You're not afraid to say what's on your mind, and you don't care what people think of your aesthetic/style because it makes you happy and comfortable. That's something that Jacob loves about you, you're so confident when it comes to how you dress since you know what you like. It's an admirable trait.

• You take him to all sorts of goth/punk/alt shops, so you can look at the merchandise of your bands, assuming there is any. Jacob loves watching you wander aimlessly around the store, especially when something catches your eye and you pick it up, showing it to him all excited before eventually putting it back. He makes a mental note of whatever you show a genuine interest in, so he can buy it all for you as a surprise! And, no, he doesn't care how much it costs. What's important here is that it makes you happy.
- Also, contrary to many boyfriends and husbands, Jacob likes shopping with you. He doesn't care how long the two of you are out. Even if his social battery has been drained, he will not let it affect your upbeat mood.

• If you wear massive combat boots or heels that make you a few inches taller, Jacob will do a double take as if he was seeing things wrong. He has no problem with these types of shoes. He loves them and thinks you look hot whenever you wear them.
- Additionally, if you wear heels and are now taller than Jacob (5'6"/167cm), he will look like the surprised Pikachu meme and will turn into putty in your hands if you act all domineering toward him, especially when you hold his head in his hands and stroke your thumbs on his cheeks!

• He's very protective over you whenever he's out in public with you. For example, when you two were at the mall, a bunch of high schoolers were giving you weird looks and making fun of the way you dressed, and as soon as Jacob saw your mood drop, he was beyond pissed. But he knew that he couldn't do anything rash. However, that didn't mean he couldn't defend you, the love of his life, his darling. So, he would go up to them and scold them, and when he did, it was not his words that scared the high schoolers but the look in his eyes. He looked like he was about ready to kill someone!

• A few months into you two dating, Jacob received word that Bewitched Blood was coming to your area! So, for your birthday, he decided to surprise you with two tickets! Needless to say, you showered him with endless kisses and thanked him profusely, not knowing what to say or do to properly thank him, but your reaction to the gift was enough for him.
- When you both got to the concert, Jacob liked to keep you close since he knew the type of terrible things that could happen, but this didn't interfere with both of you having a good time. Both of you were screaming your heads off when Bewitched Blood came on stage and played all your favorite songs. It should go without saying that neither you nor Jacob had a voice the next day.

• You've never been spoiled like this in any of your past relationships and it's safe to say that you're not planning on leaving Jacob, ever. He's a wonderful and caring partner and you appreciate every little thing he does for you!

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