A Lonesome Love (Requested) (Trigger Warning: Self-Harm)

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𝐘/𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 herself unable to focus on the movie pouring out of the TV in front of her and Jacob. He had invited her over for a dinner and movie. While she wasn't about to pass up a free warm meal and a chance to get well acquainted with her neighbor, Y/n should've known what she was getting herself. For starters, her social battery expired well over a few hours ago.

She didn't feel good. At all. Y/n let her head hit the cushion of the couch behind her and did everything in her power to refrain from sighing as she thought to herself, why was it that she was upset? Was it because she genuinely didn't want to hang out with Jacob and is now feeling guilty for coming here in the first place? No, that's not it... that's not it at all. Y/n likes Jacob's company, even if he can be a bit odd at times.

It certainly beats being alone.

"Hey, Jacob?" She spoke up, albeit not wanting to talk during the movie, but she couldn't stand how she was feeling any longer. She wanted to go home. He hummed in response, his attention still glued to the screen. Y/n then moved her head upward so she could be face-to-face with him, but even then, she couldn't look him in the eye. So, she just stared in his general direction but kept her gaze glancing elsewhere. "Is it okay if we finish this tomorrow?"

The inquiry immediately warranted Jacob's undivided attention. His eyes snapped back to her, no longer caring for the movie but rather her staying here. Even if it was for a little while longer. "Yeah... is somethin' wrong? You feelin' a bit tired?" He asked. If she was feeling sleepy, Jacob had no complaints about her staying the night! She may just live down the street but it was late. Surely, she can rest up a bit here, right? Jacob wanted her to stay where he could keep an eye on her.

"Yeah..." Y/n lied through her teeth and the blond beside her as she stood up to her feet, the blanket falling onto the ground by her feet.

"You know," Jacob starts, looking away as a small— hardly noticeable— blush crept up on his cheeks. "You could always crash here. If you weren't wantin' to walk home." He offered

"No, I have to, uh, get up early to work." She immediately replied, pulling every excuse in the book to not stay over at Jacob's cozy home.

"Oh," that was all Jacob in response to hearing his neighbor's abrupt answer. Just by taking one glance at his face, Y/n could tell that she had made him upset, or was that disappointment etched on his facial features? She ended up chalking it up as both and left it at that, her mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of her own.

Y/n opened her mouth to bring up how she needed him to get up to open the door for her, but she was interrupted when Jacob sighed, reluctantly getting up from the couch. "Alright, if you think it's best," he mumbled, pausing the movie and leading her toward the front door.

Once there, Y/n couldn't help but keep her eyes on the plethora of locks on Jacob's door. There were so many... the sight alone never fails to amaze her. But with all the alleged robberies going on, she can understand Jacob's precautions but only to a certain degree. Only a few locks would do, not six. However, her train of thought was interrupted when she noticed that the blond was taking his sweet time unlocking each one, almost like he wanted to extend Y/n's visit.

Soon though, the sound of keys jingling filled the air as Jacob finally unlocked the final piece and opened the door, revealing the night beyond. He looked down at Y/n with a mix of regret and affection, his gaze lingering as if he could freeze time. "Bye, Y/n. I hope you had a good time," he said, his voice soft and sincere.

✓  𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐎𝐁 𝐀𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now