20. The Show

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I originally did not plan on going to Bastille's gig tonight because firstly, I have only known the existence of Bastille for a mere month, and secondly, by the time I realized they were playing at Brixton, the tickets for all of their shows were already sold out. Dan however, had insisted for me to come, so that was definitely an offer I wouldn't want to refuse. Julian and Jennie were supposed to tag along too but they both had other plans so I ended up going alone. Dan had specifically told me to meet him at the back entrance 7PM sharp.

I was making my way to the back entrance when I saw several people milled about outside, chatting on their phones and smoking near the area - mostly men in security uniforms and a group of people with all access pass lanyards. As I head towards a meandering crowd to enter the door, a security guard stopped me. "Do you have a pass, miss?"

I swallowed nervously and said, "No... But I'm here with Dan Smith, the lead singer. I was here earlier for the soundcheck," I pointed at a Bastille poster plastered right next to the door. He frowned at me and added, "Nice try. You're not the only one. Keep on walking." He shooed me away.

Of course he won't remember me considering there were dozens of people trying their luck to sneak in the back entrance since this afternoon. I stood there for a second before deciding that it's best to just walk away and wait for Dan to show up. Then I heard someone calling out my name. "Hey, Anna! Right here!" I turned my head to look for the voice. I finally saw a tall man standing at the door waving at me. It was Dick. "She's with me," he told the security guard. "Give her a pass and I'll leave her alone," the security guard muttered. Dick nodded and stepped back so I can enter the door. With much relief, I smiled at the security guard and thank him for letting me in.

Since I was at the venue during soundcheck, I sort of knew my way backstage. "Dan's doing a last minute phone interview right now. Which explains why he couldn't meet you at the door," Dick explained. I nodded and walked slowly behind him. He led me to the changing room area and I could see several band names written on the door. One of them were To Kill A King; Dan did mention to me about them. He was good friends with the lead singer. Dick then opened one of the doors. "You can wait for him here. I'll let him know you're here once he's done. This is for you," he said as he handed me my very own all access lanyard.

"Thanks Dick."

"Not a problem, mate," he added before walking away.

It was an empty changing room so I immediately threw myself on the sofa. I took my phone out and scrolled through my Twitter timeline. Dan had followed me on Twitter and Instagram a few weeks ago and since then, random people have been following my feed - mostly his fans I assumed. I have posted a photo of Dan on stage during soundcheck a few hours ago. Although it wasn't an up close photo of him, it had received the most number of likes and comments I've ever received, and they were not directed to me at all.

There was also a brief discussion at the comment section in some of my photos discussing on my looks, which were very amusing and weird. But nothing to make me depressed or anything. I realized I wasn't much of an extraordinary looking person anyway - plain faced, short and skinny with not much lady curves.

I was so deep in my thoughts when I heard the door suddenly slammed open, nearly dropping my phone on the floor. "Oh, sorry! I thought there was no one around," said a tall, skinny guy. His hair must have been long because he had them up in a man bun. At a glance, he looked like a cross between an indie folk artist and one of those Burberry models. He was holding a camera in his hands, another one slung across his body and has a lanyard hanging on his neck with the word 'PRESS' written on it.

I gave him a smile and brought myself up from the sofa. My eyes shifted to the camera he was holding. It was a Leica M6, very rare for an official media photographer to use. "Nice camera."

"Oh, thanks. Are you from the press as well?" He doesn't sound British to me.

"No... I don't think I have any role here tonight," I joked, tucking my hair behind my ears. He was about to ask me another question when Dan suddenly appeared from around the corner. "There you are! I've been looking for you." His eyes then shifted to the man who was standing awkwardly in between us. "Sorry. I didn't see you there. I'm Dan. Nice to meet you mate," Dan said as he shook that guy's hand. "Taylor. Nice to meet you," he said before looking at me again.

I blinked my eyes for a few seconds before I realized he was waiting for me to introduce myself. "Oh, sorry. My head is not functioning properly tonight. I'm Anna," I chuckled. Dan raised his eyebrow at me.

"My mates are going on soon, shall we?," before adding, "See you around, mate." The guy stepped aside so I can make my way towards Dan.

As soon as I stepped out of the room, I could see the hallway was crowded with a lot of people. The rest of Bastille were already at the staircase leading towards the waiting area beside the stage.

"Is the show starting?" I asked as we hurriedly walked towards the waiting area. I looked up to Dan who was silently walking next to me when I realized he was cocking his eye at me.

"What's with the look?"

Dan grinned and muttered, "You were out of my sight for a mere second and some guy was already flirting with you." He was joking but I could sense a little jealousy in his voice.

"Are you jealous?" I raised an eyebrow at him, smiling. "With you? It's impossible not to be jealous," he added.

I playfully smacked his chest and slinked my arm around his waist. "Are you flirting with me right now, Dan?"

"Is it working?," he winked.

"All the time," I said, glancing up to him. He bent down a little and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Ah, get a room you two," Will animatedly said at the corner. Dan and I both chuckled and joined the rest of the guys. They have brought along their girlfriends too, so I was introduced to them. We all stood at the side of the stage to watch To Kill A King perform. Dan was beaming proud to see his friends play. He was always so supportive of his musician friends.

Then it was time for Bastille to come on. I was feeling anxious for Dan. Kyle had suggested that they do this weird ritual, that changes from time to time by the way, before any show. Tonight's ritual was to kiss each other's hand. Kyle was always the one full of character.

The crowd died down after To Kill A King left the stage. Nerves flooded through me as Dan released my hand and put in his earpiece on. I was getting anxious for him as I peeked at a small section of the crowd. It looked massive from where I stood. But Dan looked calm as he waited with his foot on step, smiling at me.

They then darted on stage, Dan being the last one. The noise from the crowd was earsplitting - it was spellbinding. It was so surreal to be standing there watching the boys do their thing. Hands were grabbing my arms from behind me. I glanced over and saw a vivacious beauty, it was Janna, Kyle's girlfriend. "Isn't this exciting?," she asked. I could tell she was as proud as I was. Squealing a little, I squeezed her arms back.

I smiled wide as Dan's voice filled up the venue. He was so good at it. It seemed as effortless to him as breathing. Feeling so proud, I shook my head. It still hasn't sunk in that the person up there on the stage was my boyfriend. My Dan Smith.

Laughter Lines (A Dan Smith/Bastille Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant