80. Jealousy

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Taylor's POV

It was almost like I had been punched in the gut. My breath felt strained and I was getting sort of light-headed. I was definitely seeing Dan, walking out of Anna's apartment when I just arrived to fetch her. I wanted to keep on staring at the person I was seeing, so I could be reminded of the person that would always win Anna's heart, but I wont allow this weird, overwhelming sensation conquer me. I wasn't sure why heart was pounding so much. Was it jealousy? It nearly felt like it was hurting.

I wanted to drive away. I wanted to forget about seeing Anna considering how dumb I would look to her. But I shrugged the feelings off instead. I took one calming breath and let my fingers texted their way to inform her that I have arrived. Her petite frame appeared at the doorway a few minutes after. Her eyes were scanning the front yard, as her brows furrowed while looking for my car. My eyes were doing their work too, enjoying how beautiful she looked that morning. Her face was as beautiful as the morning sun. Her hair was effortlessly done. And everything about her outfit was just right.

"Hey," she greeted me as she entered my car. I was too engrossed in watching her walked out of her house that I have forgotten to open the door for her.

"Hey..." I wanted to ask her so many questions but I made sure that I kept my lips tight. What was Dan doing here? Did you guys spend the night together? Are you guys back together?  I flicked the signal lights and drove off immediately. I could see with the corner of my eyes that Anna was eyeing me weirdly. She must have noticed my weird behavior - it was just too obvious with the awkward silence and all. It all seemed really weird and confusing for me. Seeing Dan that morning really struck a nerve at me.

The drive to the office felt like it took a thousand years. I was relieved when we arrived. I exhaled loudly while releasing my seat belt. Perhaps a little too loudly.

"Are you okay, Taylor? You are a little quiet today...." Anna asked, looking at me with much confusion on her face. Maybe she noticed how weird I was acting the entire morning.

"Yeah, of course. I'm just a little tired from traveling," I lied. She bit her bottom lip, like she was trying to decode my lie before she resigned. She nodded and walked out of the car. We both silently made our way into the building. I was relieved when we were finally in the building. "See you later?" She said, almost like she was seeking for my validation.

"Okay. Sure," I mumbled.

I made sure I avoided Anna the entire day. Trust me, I had an inner battle with myself, cursing myself for not being able to act normal around her but as much as I tried to act casual, my heart demanded an answer from her. I swore we made a connection during Christmas. At least, I thought we did. If my thoughts about Dan were found to be true, it would really hurt me this time. I was ready to invest my emotions with Anna. I had really developed an out of of this world feelings for her and it would be too much for me to handle of she decided to change her mind about me. Well, at least I thought she felt the same way, judging from her body language and all.

I managed to come up with an excuse during lunch but since we have a meeting with Loretta in the afternoon, avoiding Anna was inevitable. I entered the discussion room a little later than Anna. She was already seated next to Loretta and I made sure to choose the farthest seat available so I could avoid eye contact. I could sense Anna was eyeing me from across the table. She was frowning and she looked a little confused by my behavior.

"Okay, guys. We can start now," Loretta cleared her throat. "As you all know, the magazine is set to do a massive issue on British Bands, and the editorial team have decided on some of the bands that needed to be highlighted. First on our list is Bastille."

I immediately looked at Anna. She seemed calm at the mention of Bastille. Maybe she was putting on a brave face in the meeting.

"So, Anna," Loretta continued. "Bastille will be your new assignment. They are set to play for Coachella, so I need you to travel to the States with them. And Lev is going to tag along with you. We need to capture the band's journey to the States as they are one of the British bands that are emerging in the States."

"Can you explain a bit more about traveling to the States with them?" Anna suddenly asked. She was eyeing me but I gave her no responses. The situation was just too perfect for her. She will get to see Dan everyday. And there goes my chance to actually be with her.

"Imagine yourself like their personal photographer. Lev will do the interviews and you'll have to capture every single moment of their journey to Coachella. I heard you know the boys well. It should be easy and less awkward for you and the boys, wouldn't it?"

The meeting ended after Loretta had thoroughly explained to every one about their upcoming tasks. Anna walked up to my desk while I pretend to type something on my computer.

"Taylor, do you have a moment?" She asked, tucking away a few strands of her hair from her face.

"I am a bit busy...." I lied for the millionth time.

"I just feel like you've been avoiding me all day. And I want to know why," she sulked. Seeing her beautiful face looking at me like I meant something to her made me ease a little.

"Maybe I have," I told her.

"But, why?" She frowned.

"I don't know. Maybe because I saw Dan leaving your apartment this morning?" I finally admitted.

Anna's jaw dropped and she looked like I told her cats can dance. "So, that's what's this is all about?" She laughed. "It's definitely not what you think, Taylor."

I could feel the heat on my face as my body produced sweat due to the awkward situation I was in.

"I'll explain on our way back, okay? Trust me, you're not going to be so mad at me after I tell you what it is," she smiles, poking the side of my waist as she walked away from my desk, shaking her head.

Laughter Lines (A Dan Smith/Bastille Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant