51. Batwing Spaceshot

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"Where the hell have you been, Anna? I called you a thousand times but I kept getting your voicemail, you were not at your house and nobody I know have seen you anywhere! I am bloody worried! I thought you died or something!" Jennie was on the line at 3am Australian time because it was still 6pm in London. I was stirred from sleep because my phone wont stop vibrating since it was on silent mode. Turned out it was a frantic call from Jennie.

"I am well and alive, thank you," I chuckled.

"Where in the world are you?"

"Gold Coast...."

"Gold Coast? As in Gold Coast Australia?"

"Yes.... It's 3am here, by the way..."

"Are you with Dan?"


"What the fuck, Anna?! I've been worried. The least you could do was text me or something. Thanks a lot for disappearing!"

"Hey... Who's that?" Dan mumbled from beside me, rubbing his eyes.

"It's just Jennie, go back to sleep..." I whispered, giving him a peck on his cheek while Jennie was still yelling about having a heart attack on the line.

"You can tell her it's way too early here for her screams," Dan said, twisting his body to the other side before going back to sleep.

"Anna?! Are you even listening??"

"Yes, mother. I am listening.... So, what's up?" I nonchalantly asked, my eyes half closed.

"A lot is up, Anna. That's why I need to talk to you..." Jennie's voice suddenly changed into a sad tone.

"Are you... Are you okay, Jen?"

"No! I am not okay, Anna! Harry left. He broke up with me." And within seconds, Jennie broke down in tears. She was sobbing.

"Wait, what? I am so sorry! But why?"

"I don't know. He freaked out about my pregnancy. He said he wasn't ready for all this. He... He just left. I feel so stupid, Anna!"

"Maybe he needed space? Just give him some time to digest it..." That bastard. I would punch his face if he was in front of me.

"I don't know. Anna, what should I do?" Jennie cried.

"Okay, calm down. Maybe you can talk to Julian about it. Or someone you could trust. I will be back in town soon so I will see you first thing after I land, okay?"

"Okay," she sobbed.

"Take care. Promise me you wont do anything stupid. I will be here for you, remember that," I reassured her.

"Thanks, Anna. I don't know what I'll do without you. I really appreciate it."

"Not a problem, Jen. I'll see you soon."

I was bloody mad when I got off the phone. The fact that Harry left as soon as he found out about the pregnancy was unacceptable. It must have been hard for Jennie to take all that.

"You're a really good friend, do you know that?" Dan said, turning his body to face me again.

"Goodness gracious. You gave me a fright! I thought you went back to bed!"

"Well, it's difficult to go back to sleep when I want to eavesdrop," he chuckled.

"Dan...Harry left. How dare he!" I hissed.

"I know... I heard...It's crazy that you care so much about Jennie that you even dismissed the fact that we fought and broke up because of her...you didn't tell her that, didn't you?" he murmured.

"It's not her fault. And she doesn't need to know that. She's already having a hard time herself. Plus, she's pregnant. I don't want her to be stressed or anything. Not good for the baby..." I muttered.

"See, told you you're a good friend," he smiled, nuzzling my neck. "So, what will happen now for Jennie?"

"I don't know, Dan. It will be tough for her to go through the pregnancy and parenthood alone... I feel so sorry for her..." I murmured, resting my head on Dan's shoulders.

"I am sure she can work this out. Maybe you're right about Harry needing space. Everyone has a different way of reacting to a big news like that... Give him a chance. He'll come around. I'm sure he loves Jennie too much to let her go, although, I know minimal things about him and Jennie," Dan said while stroking my hair.

"I guess you're right. I sure hope he'll come around..."

"Now, go back to sleep. We don't want to be late for Movie World!" Dan gave me a quick kiss and snuggled back into the duvet.

"Okay, Dad." I laughed, joining him in the warmth of the covers, knowing that Dan was really looking forward about movie world since he couldn't shut up about it.

We woke up extra early for breakfast the next day. We were told that the queue at Movie World can be ridiculously long, so it would be wise to get there as soon as the park opens.

Movie World was actually the main reason why Dan wanted to go to Gold Coast in the first place. He wont stop saying how excited he was about going there, just like a little kid. He was stoked about the Batwing Spaceshot the most, because his idea of fun was being shot 60 meters in the air.

"I can't believe you actually managed to persuade me to do this, Dan. Tell my family I love them if I die mid-air. You can look for 'Mom' and 'Dad' in my phonebook. And please bury my vinyls collection with me. I'm not letting them go." I nervously laughed in my seat, while waiting to be shot up in the air.

"You are being dramatic, Anna. You'll be fine. It's not that bad, believe me," Dan chuckled.

"Oh, I am sure I will snooze while being thrown in high up in the air like nothing ever happened," I fired back. "I should trust you on this, right?"

"You should trust me on anything, actually," he smiled.

"Oh, should I?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Trust is very important in a relationship. I've learnt my lesson," he bit his lip, looking straight at me. I shook my head and smiled back.

"Nice way to convince me to get on this thing, Smith. Real smooth," I chuckled.

"Hey, I succeeded, to say the least!" He winked.

The buzzer went off not long after that. I knew that was the sign that we were about to be shot up in the air.

"Are you ready? Any last words" Dan asked, laughing.

"Yes. I love you, Smith." I said while making a little prayer and exhaled.

"You're so cute, do you know that?" He laughed. "And of course, I love you more!"

And seconds later, we were being shot up in the air. The funny thing about it was it felt like my heart was actually stuck on the ground while my body was being lifted in the air. I screamed my lungs out and looked at Dan. He was screaming too, his eyes were filled with so much joy. I then just closed my eyes when the ride moved downwards and then upwards again, repeatedly. When the ride finally stopped, all I could do was laugh.

"Okay. Death was not painful," I exhaled.

"It wasn't that bad, wasn't it?" Dan nudged me as we waited to be released from our seats. Dan was right, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed it, a lot.

"You mean you can see me? I am not dead after all," I joked.

"Actually, I died too. We are both dead right now....We died in the hands of a Batwing Spaceshot and it's tragically beautiful. Now, which way is heaven?"

A/N: I am truly sorry for my shitty updates. I've been in a funk lately and I am slowly trying to recover.

Laughter Lines (A Dan Smith/Bastille Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant