-4- ( favorite ice cream )

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//////time skip to the fair sorry///////

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//////time skip to the fair sorry///////

Me, Gregory, and Lizzie all ran into the fair as soon as we got our wristbands. We ran into the crowd of people and Lizzie ran a few feet in front of us. As we ran through crowds of people Gregory grabbed my hand.

"Hold on i don't wanna loose you"
He said and we kept running after Elisabeth.
Liz stopped at a carnival game with some balloons and darts.

"this is what we ran for?" i said

"Yep!" she said

Gregory still held my hand. i didn't mind to be honest.
Liz started playing the game.

"Hey do you want to get ice cream?" Gregory turned to me and said.

"yeah sure!" i answered

"we turned around and started walking to the ice cream stand in sight in front of us.

"RACE YOU!" i yelled taking off a few feet infront of him.

"HEY NO FAIR!" He yelled running behind me.
I laughed at him. and beat him to the stand.
He came up beside me, out of breath.
"How are you not out of breath?" he questioned me.
"Me and liz run a lot i just don't loose breath so easy"

The line moved up.

"what ice cream are you getting?" i said

"I don't know probably cookie dough"

"really? that's my favorite" i smiled.

"oh my gosh mine too" he said
we laughed and both ordered medium cookie dough ice creams.
I started getting my money out to pay for mine.

"No no Evan stop" he said pushing my hands down when i was going to hand the money to the worker.

"what?" i said confused

He handed the worker $10 to pay for mine too.

"Gregory what the hell? you didn't have to pay for me-" i said

"Evan it's fine your the one who invited me i can at least pay for your ice cream"
i paused and thought about what to say.

"thank you." i said as he handed me my ice cream
"of course" he said. i blushed. what the hell. why do i feel like this? i'm confused.
we started walking around watching the rides and pointing out what ones we should go on. i smiled knowing i had a friend. a real one.

"Evan!" i heard someone yell. i turned around to see my two friends Cassidy and Susie running up behind us.

"Hi!" Cassidy said
"Oh my gosh hey!" i said running up and hugging Cassidy and Susie.
Cassidy and Susie are in my school and in most of my classes.
"Who's this?" Cassidy said pointing at Gregory
"Oh this is Gregory he's my new neighbor"
"Oh hi! I'm Cassidy and this is Susie" she said to him.

"Wanna go on some rides together?" Susie said
a few "yeahs" and "sures" were shared around and we all started walking and talking.

(3rd person)
~2 nights earlier~
"Jeez Mike you could have been more subtle about it" Jeremy said as Michael climbed through his window.
"Sorry i was focused on getting to see you" mike laughed.
Jeremy covered his mouth.
"You have to be quiet im not even supposed to be awake"
"I'll be quiet if you kiss me" he said
"no." jeremy said bluntly.
"aww come on jeremy you know you love me" he said flirting with the blonde
"fine. only one though."
Michael, who was still halfway in the window, climbed in and grabbed Jeremy and kissed him.
"Jeremy are you awake?" someone said from outside the door
Jeremy whispered.
"don't say a word. slowly climb under my bed and stay there okay?"
Michael nodded in agreement.
Jeremy walked to his door to see his mother holding a paper on the other side.
"what?" he said
"Jeremy. What is this?" His mother handed him a paper with a note from Michael on it

"Shit" he whispered.

"I told you to stay away from Michael." she said

"Why? i don't understand why you hate him so much"
She sighed.
"Look i didn't hate him in the beginning but when i found you two doing whatever it is you were doing that night-"


"Look i just don't want people think i have a gay son okay? what will the church think?"

"Mom the church won't give a single fuck!" Jeremy yelled

"Whatever Jeremy. Stay away from him or i'll ground you again"

Jeremy slammed his door.
He locked his door and walked over to his bed laying down on it. Michael got out and layed down next to him. Jeremy sat up and wrapped his arms around Michael.

"I'm sorry Jeremy. i'm so so sorry"


777 words

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